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What nutra offers and nutra categories are suitable for beginners


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Who it is for

  • 1. webmasters
  • 2. affiliates
  • 3. begginers

The nutra vertical is comfortable for entering affiliate marketing for many reasons. This includes a variety of offers, demand for products in all GEOs, year-round relevance, attractive rates, and constant development. In nutra, there are directions or categories that are most optimal for starting, and there are those for which experience is desirable. Let's analyze which offers are better to start with for the first time, what is generally easier for a beginner to promote, and how to choose an offer wisely.


How can a beginner choose their first nutra offer for promotion

Choosing an offer is one of the crucial elements of the combination and a significant factor in success. After all, if a too complex offer is chosen, a large part of the efforts, time, and budget will be spent on mastering the specifics.


What is recommended to look for when choosing: 


How in-demand is the offer. The product should have a good demand in the region the arbitrageur intends to work with. Demand can be checked using free analytical tools such as Google Trends and Google Keywords Planner. You can also gather statistics from spy services, open analytical sources, for example, from lists of popular products on marketplaces.



In which GEOs the offer is supported. There are universal offers that advertisers are willing to deliver to multiple GEOs. They are good because if successful tests and achievements in promoting have occurred in one GEO, you can localize and adapt the combination to a neighboring country. If a webmaster decides to work with a specific GEO, he can find out which offers are popular there. For example, in a GEO with a low level of education and healthcare, anti-parasitic and antifungal drugs are likely to be equally in demand.


How profitable and convenient the product is. You need to study the real and significant benefits that the offer provides to customers, find out what specific pain points it addresses. This information should be clarified from the offer description itself, promotional materials, or from your manager. For example, the landing page or packaging may indicate that the results are achieved in a few days, the composition includes only natural ingredients, and no doctor's prescription is required.


How high is the level of competition. There are oversaturated GEOs where the audience is exhausted, for example, many tier-1 countries. People there are bombarded with ads and no longer respond to conventional approaches. And there are GEOs with potential where competition is still minimal because not all webmasters are even aware of the nutra market there. 


What payouts are offered. If the payouts are high, there's a likelihood that launching traffic will be challenging and the traffic itself will be expensive. High rates are often offered for Tier-1 countries and for offers with payment models like Trial and SS. Experience is required in such cases. On the other hand, if the payouts are low, it can be an advantage for beginners. After all, good profits can be achieved through large volumes.



What to pay attention to when choosing an offer


  • What sources of traffic are accepted. It's always important to study the rules of the advertiser regarding source selection. It's better if these are familiar sources. For example, if a webmaster used to run e-commerce or sweepstakes through Facebook and is well acquainted with the platform, it's better for him to start running nutra with familiar FB. If a webmaster has never worked with any source before, hasn’t run traffic - it’d be more optimal to choose relatively simple and cost-effective sources, such as ad networks.
  • What requirements does the advertiser have. These requirements pertain to prohibited sources. Most commonly, spam, incentive, and adult websites are prohibited. Additionally, the advertiser may have requirements regarding delivery and regions. For instance, they may physically be unable to deliver products to people residing on remote islands or in remote villages. These villages and islands should be excluded from the targeting. There might also be requirements regarding the funnel, defining what constitutes a conversion, and whether you can use only the advertiser's creatives or develop your own.
  • What promotional materials represent. Usually, the advertiser provides pre-landers, landing pages, banners. You need to study them, look at them from the user's perspective, assess their convenience, usability, and functionality. For example, check if it's easy to fill out order forms and if they work correctly.
  • What is the offer's approval rate. The Approval Rate indicator shouldn’t significantly differ from the norm, and the norm varies depending on the specific geo and category. For example, there are geos where a 30% approval rate is considered very good, while in others, even an 80% approval rate is considered poor. It's advisable to look for offers with a relatively high approval rate to increase your chances of receiving rewards. You can find out the AR from your manager.



Nutra categories that are attractive for beginners  

Nutra encompasses products from various categories: weight loss, potency, hypertension, diabetes, joints, vision, hearing, skincare, haircare, and others. Categories like weight loss and men's/women's health target a wide range of customers.


There are categories that require narrower targeting. For example, hypertension primarily affects individuals aged 40+, joint pain may be experienced by athletes, and varicose veins are common among women who spend long hours on their feet, such as boutique salespeople. Working with a narrow segment can be somewhat more challenging because it's crucial to focus more on finding the right audience and sources.
How to choose the right category of offers:

  • To understand customer needs. The target audience has specific pains that people want to address through offers. People buy weight loss offers because they want to quickly get in shape, while offers for joint pain are for those who don't want to go to the doctor due to the high cost of treatment and long waiting times. The more essential the product, the higher the conversion chances.
  • Learn about the rules and ease of passing moderation. In profitable sources like Facebook and Google, it's challenging to promote adult nutra, weight loss products, and near-medical remedies that promise to cure any disease. You need knowledge of cloaking, methods to bypass moderation, the ability to choose high-quality consumables, and configure an antidetect browser. You also need to understand how platform algorithms work and which stop-words to avoid when promoting. From a moderation perspective, it's easier to promote creams that alleviate joint pain and skincare products. 
  • To explore trends. For example, the population of Europe is aging, with the average age approaching 44,4 years. At this age, due to environmental issues and a sedentary lifestyle, most people experience various musculoskeletal and cardiovascular problems. Vision and hearing sharpness decline. However, people in this age group are still young, active, and at the peak of their careers. Looking good is important to them, so appropriate nutra offers are needed and will continue to be needed for many years to come.
  • To learn about seasonality and peak events. Nutra is an evergreen vertical. However, there are peak events, such as holidays, Black Friday, vacation seasons, and other periods in the year when online shopping becomes more active. People aim to make purchases with discounts, improve their health for the New Year, or lose weight before the summer. In some GEOs, on the contrary, there is a decrease in activity during holidays – people are relaxing and not making any purchases. It's better to find out about such dates in advance to plan your strategy, pause advertising campaigns, and avoid wasting your budget.



Nutra is the ideal vertical for a beginner webmaster. It's also a comfortable niche for those who have already worked with other verticals and are looking for a change. We've covered the key recommendations for choosing an offer and category, and we hope they provide insights into what to choose.




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