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  • Pre-Landing pages in the crypto vertical: why they're needed and what they should be like?

Pre-Landing pages in the crypto vertical: why they're needed and what they should be like?


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Who it is for

  • 1. webmasters
  • 2. affiliates

SHO Team here 👋. Today, we’re going to talk about one of the verticals we’re promoting — crypto, specifically about pre-landing pages in this niche. We've been running it for over two years, mostly successfully (though there have been some failures, as expected). Throughout this time, we’ve only been using pre-landers because, in our tests, direct traffic often converts worse.


Disclaimer! Of course, the entire chain is important — from choosing the right offer and source to the lead collection form. But here, we’ll focus on pre-landers.


The role of pre-landing pages in crypto combinations

In the crypto vertical, warming up the user before they transition to the landing page is more crucial than in niches like nutra. It's often not just about motivation but about the specifics of the subject matter. Take a look at this typical landing page for a crypto offer and remember how you felt when you were simply trying to figure out what USDT is.



Advertising is targeted at the average person, who at best has a general understanding of cryptocurrencies. Therefore, if the landing page talks about Bitcoin ETFs, they simply won't understand it. And if they have to think too hard, they'll just click back. Plus, crypto involves complex sales, higher-value transactions, and deposits (definitely not about 10 euros like in gambling), so you need to not only explain the product's essence to the user but also convey its benefits in a way that makes sense to them.


But if you lead the user to a pre-landing page before registration and explain the benefits of crypto and the specific offer, where someone like Anna Maria Papacharlampous earned 400000 euros with crypto, they’ll be more willing to engage, register, open an account, make a deposit, and so on.



In general, pre-landing pages help webmasters address the following questions for potential clients:


  • What kind of earning opportunity is this?
  • What is the mechanism for multiplying capital?
  • How is this offer better than similar ones on the market?
  • Why can the advertiser be trusted?


☝️ All of this should ideally be complemented by a motivating example of someone's earnings (it’s like one of the main approaches that makes the reader think "😍I want to achieve the same!").


Pre-landers are used for campaigns with teaser ads, push notifications, Facebook, TikTok, Google, and any GEO. For example, in this case, the guys used the MGID teaser network to promote a crypto offer in Brazil, earning $60000. Here’s their pre-lander, where a gas station worker earned 4180505 Brazilian reals:



The case also showcases other profitable pre-landers, but this one performed the best. Interestingly, the guys developed it themselves rather than taking it from the affiliate network, reinforcing the golden rule that a high-quality, unique page works better than just a high-quality one!


Here's the most recent case where the author promoted on Facebook, employing a local celebrity approach, where a certain María Asuncion offers Spaniards the opportunity to earn millions through her new project.



BUT! There is also a counterexample where the funnel lacks a pre-lander. For instance, in this case, the author collected data through Facebook lead forms and then sent SMS campaigns. We can also remember about schematic traffic, when the warm-up process is done through a Telegram channel instead of a pre-lander, proving that while you can skip the pre-lander, you cannot skip the warm-up.


Yes, if you check spy for push ads, you'll often see traffic directed straight to the landing page. However, this could either be traffic from the broker themselves to increase brand awareness in the target GEO or from a webmaster with a whitelist of sites with a warm audience for the crypto offer.



Main approaches in pre-landers

In the context of arbitrage work with FB, warm audiences are rare, and warming up is almost always necessary. The primary audience for crypto offers consists of financially capable individuals aged 25-45 with above-average income. It’s they who not only bring in leads but also stay with the advertiser for a long time, meeting their KPIs.


Based on this, the concept of the pre-lander is selected. Over the years, the following approaches have been successful:


  • From the lives of celebrities. This is "news from the life of a star", the "desire" of a famous person to share the secret of additional income, an announcement that the celebrity "has launched their earning project", and so on.


From the life of a celebrity. The world's best sports agent returned to Portugal to participate in a new project.



  • News approach. This could be news about someone earning a lot in crypto or a well-known person deciding to participate in a project from the crypto industry.


Quick and huge income. A taxi driver earned 3.5 million Brazilian reals.



  • Expert advice. Here, a little-known person or a complete unknown presents themselves as an expert in the field of crypto, talks about potential earnings, and suggests registering, making a deposit on a crypto platform, etc.


Expert advice. Tomorrow you’ll receive 1500 korunas, in 3 days — 6000 korunas, and in a month — up to 90 thousand korunas. The effect is confirmed by 18 thousand Czechs.


  • Warming up through a giveaway. Here, users are offered to participate in a giveaway where a bonus deposit will be dropped onto the crypto trading platform. After the giveaway, users are directed to a landing page or to the app store.


Here, users are offered to spin the slot. After receiving a bonus, they’re prompted to download the application from Google Play to access crypto trading.


  • Enrichment story. Here, a person tells a first-person story of how they became wealthy thanks to crypto.


How I escaped poverty at 30 and started making $13000 a month.



In all these cases, the pre-landing page is stylized to resemble a popular local publication — a magazine, news agency, health portal, etc.


By the way, it's worth being more cautious with approaches where users are promised quick and huge profits from the start. By promising quick profits, you risk attracting many low-quality leads.


It's hard to say which of these approaches is the best. It all depends on the offer, creatives, GEO, target, and other parameters. Only testing will determine. By the way, all these approaches can be combined.


Important! Before creating transit pages, read the rules of the offers. Some advertisers prohibit the use of approaches with celebrities.


Where to get pre-landers

The most common way to create your pre-lander is to find someone else's, download it, and modify it slightly. And you can find them in spy services. In any of them. So even if you're launching on Facebook, confidently search for them in spies for push, native ads, not just in the Facebook Library and Tyver. Although the Fb Library will provide much more information about the combination to understand if the given pre-lander works or not. By the way, in the screenshot, there's another approach with "investments" that we didn't cover above.



The general scheme for searching is as follows: open the spy service and enter the keywords "crypt" and "крипт" into the search bar.



Screenshot from the spy service Tyver


Similarly, enter the keywords into the Facebook Library.

In Adheart, you need to enter more precise keywords such as "crypto", "cryptocurrency", "bitcoin", and so on. As a result, you'll get a list of advertisements related to crypto. However, the links to the pre-landers will be cloaked, making it difficult to access them directly. To bypass this protection, you need to use an antidetect by configuring your browser profile to match the targeted GEO and device type of the advertisement.


However, even in this case, there are challenges. If a colleague has set up cloaking based on certain parameters, it can pose difficulties. Therefore, for spying, it's better to create multiple accounts targeting the GEO of the offer, gather cookies, and spy on the ads yourself in your own Facebook feed.


For spying (and not only), we recommend trying the antidetect from our friends — Vision. There, you simply need to create a folder, for example, "For SPY", and put all the accounts targeting different GEOs that you plan to spy on. Plus, there's a cookie robot, so you don't have to browse sites on each account manually. You can just load the list of sites, and the antidetect will essentially farm accounts for you, so that advertisements start appearing in your Facebook feed.


How to find source materials for your own imagination

If you want to create a completely unique pre-lander from scratch, you can do the following:


  • Enter the query "news of the country..." in the language of the GEO you plan to advertise to;
  • Search through local pages from the search results. For example, enter the query "latvijas ziņas" (news of Latvia) and immediately see popular media in the country. You can then stylize the pre-lander based on them.


So let's kill two birds with one stone — find out the latest news of the country and see which websites are most popular in this region. Perhaps you'll also get acquainted with popular celebrities. Then choose a news article you like and download the page, or send it to a web designer who will format everything as you need. Edit the text on the page and choose your photos based on the context of the combination. Voila! A completely unique pre-lander is ready.


By the way, lately affiliate networks in the crypto niche offer decent pre-landers, so it makes sense to test them — you may not even need to create your own pages. 


In conclusion

In fact, creating content takes a lot of time, so we hope to see your reactions to confirm that we’re on the right track and that our materials (we already have 2!!!) are really interesting to the audience. So we’re waiting for you in our chat via this track link. You can ask questions there as well.


If you're running ads on Facebook, then hop over to our SHO TEAM STORE for quality farm accounts or for agent accounts to our friends at TheSopranosShopBot


Grab a few accounts for testing, enjoy the good service, and come back again. You can also subscribe to our Telegram channel. Good luck to everyone!



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  • Pre-Landing pages in the crypto vertical: why they're needed and what they should be like?