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Old-school SEO experts when chatting on forums, especially with newbies, like to joke that "there's no money in SEO". But everyone involved in affiliate marketing knows that's not true, particularly recognized by representatives of gambling affiliate programs, where SEO webmasters are highly valued.
But there's a truthful version of this joke, supplemented by one small detail that changes everything: "there’s no QUICK money in SEO". Indeed, the entry threshold for this source in terms of time and technical requirements is significantly higher compared to PPC, targeting, or native advertising. It's for this reason SEO, as a source, is not suitable for all affiliates.
It's generally understood that at first glance, it's much faster and easier to earn quick bucks by running first bills on a CPL basis targeting Indians, rather than spending days toiling over texts, technical aspects, and links, only to wait months for the first leads.
And that's precisely why there are still many low-competition niches in SEO, popular in affiliate marketing, such as dating or nutra, which will be discussed in this guide.
Everyone knows that SEO traffic is highly valued in gambling – renowned SEO teams dominate the lead races, with top positions in casino affiliate rankings fetching substantial fixed fees in addition to revshare and the like. Much has been said and written about SEO in gambling, so I won't repeat it, but in short, my opinion is that entering gambling SEO in 2024, especially if you're working solo, makes little sense because all the financially viable GEOs are already dominated by players with large budgets – competition is tough.
And what about SEO in nutra? In nutra affiliate networks, SEO webmasters are viewed quite positively, like in gambling, because SEO traffic consistently ranks highest in approval and conversion rates compared to paid advertising, everywhere and always. However, in the case of nutra, it's not about volume. That's precisely why SEO experts typically don't dominate the top spots in nutra lead races — they are left behind by webmasters who drive traffic from FB/Google/native ads — much faster and easier to scale traffic sources.
For advertisers in nutra, achieving high volumes in a short period is often critically important for various reasons. This, in turn, affects the distribution of the allocated advertising cap, bumps, and guarantees by the affiliate network. As a result, even top SEO specialists in nutra often remain in the shadows of top media buyers. Nevertheless, this doesn't prevent them from earning well on a semi-passive basis with significantly lower financial, legal, and other risks.
However, it's more appropriate to compare nutra SEO experts not with media buyers, but with gambling SEO experts, who often occupy top positions in terms of deposit volumes among other webmasters. The volumes of targeted "money" traffic are determined by the frequency of "money" keywords, and in gambling, the average frequency of such keywords is almost always higher than in nutra. Moreover, the demand is less susceptible to seasonality and the influence of buyer actions (as seen in nutra: large teams run in FB on an offer — organic traffic starts flowing for keywords like "*product name* review", they stop — traffic drops off). For this reason, competition in gambling SEO is much higher, and solo webmasters with limited budgets (considering that sites often don't start generating income immediately after release) and speeds cannot expect rapid and significant returns.
This difference in traffic volumes over the long term defines the competition and the final cost of SEO traffic. And here we come to the main point: competition in regional SEO for nutra is practically nonexistent, and now I'll show you this.
In the screenshot, I've gathered the highest-frequency branded queries like "product name + review" for several top nutra offers in Poland, which have been consistently promoted on FB and Google for some time. This has given them recognition and, consequently, relatively high frequency of branded queries. As you can see from the entire list, the KD (keyword difficulty indicator according to Ahrefs, checked with a free tool) is 0, which is a clear invitation to claim the top positions for these keywords without serious labor or financial expenses. This situation exists in a vast number of GEOs — I chose Poland as an example of a Tier 1 GEO with a large volume of relatively affluent population. Starting in less competitive GEOs would be even easier.
How to get started? Here's a step-by-step algorithm:
Find several inexpensive drop domains with a DR of at least 20, related to suitable themes (in our case, beauty, health, cosmetics, medicine), and the possibility to restore pages with existing links.
A drop domain is a domain previously used by another site. DR is Domain Rating, a metric reflecting the volume and quality of sites linking to this domain. The higher the DR, the better. You can check DR using the free Ahrefs tool, where you can also verify the links, see how targeted they are, how authoritative their donors are, and so on.
Find expired (deleted) domains on Expired Domains and then register them at the new registration price on Namecheap or GoDaddy.
If no "free" drops are found, go to Spamzilla and acquire an inexpensive (up to $200) intercepted drop of the desired theme.
The main criteria are: having pages indexed (fresh), maintaining the theme (relevance), no spammy anchors from Chinese/adult content, and a clean history in WebArchive (no changes in themes or languages). A backlink profile with up to ten links is sufficient, considering everything with DR20+
Choose offers and gather semantics. We’ve found and purchased suitable regional domains, for example, in the .PL zone. Now we need to:
a) Compile a pool of offers available in this GEO from your affiliate network. For working with nutra, the best choice would certainly be dr.cash.
b) Clarify with your affiliate manager which of these offers accept SEO traffic.
c) Gather semantics for the approved offers and select the most high-frequency and least competitive queries (preferably with a KD of 1 or lower, ideally 0) – these will be used to create our money pages. Collect them manually using the free Ahrefs tool.
Restore on WordPress (extract content from WebArchive using Archivarix with the selected option "Extract structured content") the pages that have backlinks. Choose the website template and format according to your preference. At the end of this article, I'll provide several examples of such sites for your inspiration. 🙂
Add to Search Console, set up delayed posting of news on health and beauty topics – saving on this part of the content. You can simply take news/short articles on the topic in English and provide a "human" translation (not Deepl or ChatGPT) into the language of your GEO. Connect social media. Let the sites rest.
Meanwhile, prepare reviews based on the collected semantics – these will be your money pages, where you will convert traffic into leads. We don’t skimp on this part of the content; we order native copywriting. You can find copywriters, like translators, on Fiverr or Kwork. Articles should be high-quality, readable, and leave the reader with a sense of usefulness. When working on European GEOs, the average cost for an article of 7000 characters (this is the average length we aim for in our reviews) in 2024 will be around $30 – $40. You can use my brief (or just copy it) as the basis for yours – link to Google Doc.
During the preparation of review texts, our websites have settled, returned to the index, and started showing some dynamics in Search Console. Next, we need to distribute the prepared content among the sites that showed the best performance initially.
We wait. With properly chosen low-competition keywords on active drops with DR of 20 and unique content, soon some of your money pages will start gathering impressions and traffic.
Once the money pages rank in Google's TOP and begin generating stable traffic, we add links to your affiliate landing pages in the product reviews. Ideally, set up a showcase list of landing pages on a subdomain like shop.sitename.pl.
We add product comments, expand the range of offers, and improve website optimization. PROFIT.
You can see how such sites for nutra affiliate marketing look by studying regional search results for queries similar to those in the screenshot — again, you can use the free Ahrefs tool for this.
As an example, here are a few sites from different GEOs that are specifically designed to drive traffic to affiliate nutra offers:
- Poland: https://www.akademiaczerniaka.pl/bullrun-ero-opinie/
- Czech Republic: https://acarehealth.cz/product/moring-slim/
- Colombia: https://arcasa.es/producto/artralon/
Let's calculate approximate costs:
- Domain – from $15 (dropped) to $200 (intercepted)
- Local language reviews – from $30 to $50 each
- News translation – from $5 to $15 each
In total, considering all expenses, the cost of launching a small nutra review site (10 articles at the start + short news notes) targeting a local European GEO will range from $400 to $900. With an average CPA payout of $20 for COD nutra offers in Europe, to break even, the site will need to generate between 20 to 40 approved leads. It's challenging to estimate the potential ROI, which could be substantial under favorable circumstances. 🙂
You can roughly estimate how long it’ll take to start achieving profitability when the main money pages reach their positions in the TOP10 — based on the positions of sites for "money" search queries, their frequency, and this wonderful table of average CTR in Google. This will help you estimate the approximate timeline to reach your target revenue:
In SEO, there really are no QUICK bucks; it's a long-term game. But if you are persistent and skilled, you can generate leads for a popular affiliate vertical at the lowest cost and with the highest approval.
If you have any questions about the article, you can ask the author in the comments here: @leadsonly
Good luck!

by Editor
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