by Editor
Most of the most profitable offers in the gray verticals are uploaded by webmasters with a cloaca. Because of what, it will be problematic for beginners to find bundles without knowing a couple of suitable life hacks. In this mini-guide, we will analyze how to look for such offers and break through the cloaca of competitors using the example of the AdHeart SPY service.
P.S. By the way, using the promo code of our friends from the ADLEADPRO CPA network, you can get a 15% discount on using this SPY service. When registering, specify the promo "ADLEADPRO"
Lifehack #1. Search by domain zones
Affiliate marketing webmasters often use cheap domains and zones, and this is the first way you can narrow down your target.
— In the field "By GEO unwinding" select the GEO we are interested in. Be sure to set "1" in the filter".
— In the search field for the domain zone, paste the entire pack: .xyz/.site/.online/.website/.fun/.biz/.in.ua/.com.ua/.host/.space/.pro/.pp/.ca/.ru/.de/.jp/.su/.top
Lifehack #2. Searching by links
If you have already created a stream in the CPA network or cloaked a link before, then you understand that an arbitrage link has a number of differences by which it can be identified in spay.
We can insert the following words: pixel, &utm, pixel_id, px, metka, fbpx
Lifehack #3 Searching by buttons
Affiliates often add "Learn more", "Show now" or "Order now" buttons to pre-landers. To search for them, first drive in all the domain zones indicated above, and then go to the filter.
We found several ads that interest us. What to do next?
If we just go to the landing page from ads, we will get to white-page - a stub page for moderators of the advertising network. In order for us to see the landing page of the offer, we need:
- Go to the antidetect browser.
- Buy residential proxies of the GEO you are interested in.
- Create a profile in anti-detect browser with this proxy.
- Next, we take all our landing links and insert "https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=" before the link to simulate the transition from a Facebook ad to a landing page.
Of course, not every cesspool can be pierced in this way, but no one said that it would be easy.

by Editor
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