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A look inside: how a quality manager affects the performance of affiliate managers


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At CatAffs, we always strive to ensure exceptional quality communication at every stage of collaboration. Improving the quality of interaction with partners is our priority. The quality manager is responsible for maintaining high standards of support. We conducted an interview with him to gain a deeper understanding of the specifics of the quality manager's work and how he influences the improvement of communication quality between CatAffs managers and affiliates.

It’ll be interesting, let's go!


— What is the main work of a quality manager?

— The main work of a quality manager is to improve the quality of interaction between affiliates and the affiliate program.


— In your opinion, why is it important to do this, and what does it affect?

— It improves the interaction experience between affiliates and the affiliate program and motivates managers to perform their jobs better.


— What key metrics do you use to measure the success of affiliate managers in attracting and managing partners? What do you pay the most attention to when evaluating the quality of our managers' work?

— First and foremost, the number of new partners and their profitability. When evaluating the quality of managers' work, I pay attention to adherence to program rules and standards, the quality of traffic, and conversions.


— How do you assess the negotiation skills and problem-solving abilities of affiliate managers?

— The assessment is conducted by analyzing the communication of affiliate managers. It's important to consider their tone, empathy, and effectiveness in resolving ongoing issues. Additionally, observing their style of expression and argumentation is crucial. Clarity of responses and the ability to compromise are key indicators of their skills. The results of these assessments are used for further development and improving the efficiency of the managers' work.


— Do we provide training and consultations after each review and evaluation of work?

— Yes, training and consultations after reviews and evaluations are a crucial part of the quality management process. Typically, evaluations identify areas for improvement or additional training needs. Through regular departmental meetings with the department manager held twice a week, and personal consultations once a month after evaluations, employees can enhance their skills and knowledge to further improve their results. This approach fosters continuous development of specialists and increases overall work efficiency.


 — What are the most common mistakes you encounter among managers? What would you like to improve in the team in terms of quality of work?

— Among the most common mistakes of managers is a lack of clarity and specificity in their statements, which can lead to misunderstandings. Of course, the human factor is unavoidable, but quality communication is the key to successful cooperation.


— Do you identify potential risks in managers' communication with partners? Is the script developed based on each manager's communication style?

— Absolutely, this is one of the most crucial aspects of my work. These risks may include conflicts, inappropriate tone of communication, failure to meet commitments, or unsatisfactory resolution of issues.

When it comes to scripts, they can be useful in certain cases, especially for standardizing communication methods, but they should be flexible enough to accommodate the individual characteristics of each affiliate and the context of the interaction.

For example, a standardized approach may be used for affiliates with a large volume of traffic, while individual customization and support may be more effective for affiliates with smaller volumes.


— How do our managers improve their knowledge of the affiliate program, traffic, brands, and any other information to quickly provide info to partners?

— Our managers develop through educational materials, personal consultations, constant updating of information, and joint events. They have access to instructions on several different resources to understand the basic principles of the affiliate program.

Also, general consultations are held with the department head and quality manager, which help them understand the complex aspects of traffic and the principles of interacting with affiliates. In combination, all of this contributes to the exchange of experience and mutual learning among affiliates.


— What strengths can you highlight among CatAffs managers at the moment?

— I believe that our affiliate managers possess a high level of communication skills, analytical abilities, organizational skills, and technical competence. They know how to communicate productively with partners, analyze data, manage multiple tasks, and understand the technical aspects of affiliate marketing.

They also possess strategic thinking for developing and implementing effective strategies. Additionally, their creativity helps them find new paths to success and solve problems.


— What challenges do you see in working with affiliate managers, and how do you plan to overcome them?

— Communicative difficulties may arise due to differences in characters, as well as challenges in managing a large number of accounts and analyzing effectiveness. To address these issues, I plan to utilize effective communication, automated tools for management and monitoring, and provide support and training to affiliates. Additionally, I plan to conduct regular analysis of results and refine the program based on the findings.



The work of affiliate managers is crucial for the affiliate program. Close interaction of the quality manager with affiliate managers, their support and training, as well as the use of modern tools and analytical methods, help improve the quality of cooperation and achieve set goals.



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