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A simple way to earn several thousand dollars per month from websites


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Another interesting case on earning money from websites. A simple way to make money from websites.



Why is this screenshot important?

This screenshot shows us that websites making $100-$300 per month are being sold for $2000-$10 000. So now, if you're not a complete novice, you can create a website that starts earning $100-$300 per month. Here are the concise steps to achieve this goal:


  1. Purchase 3 domains that are several years old, related to news, for less than $100 each.
  2. Install WP Automatic and set up news sites to fetch news from various websites for each category (add 10-20 categories). Ensure there's a DMCA button in the footer.
  3. Now, back up your first site and, within a few minutes, install it on two other domains, just changing the theme and design.
  4. Install the Rank Math SEO plugin and Rank Math Instant Index, as it instantly indexes your articles.
  5. Apply for AdSense – if you're not a complete novice in website creation, they will approve you.
  6. Now, visit Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook, and quickly post a new piece of news. You can also write something like "Is this actually true" or some similar nonsense to avoid looking like the actual site owner. You can also engage in Facebook Ads arbitrage if you are confident you’ll be profitable, or at the very least, not incurring losses, as it's important only that it shows income on AdSense.
  7. Install a notification plugin to get readers who will return to your site. Now, just develop all three sites for 2-4 months, and you should easily start earning $100+ on each site. You can also use SMM upvotes, likes, retweets, etc., to try to go viral with some posts.
  8. Sell each site for $3K or more. Simply list them at auction or try your luck by selling them for $5K to $10K on different websites like Flippa.


The most amazing thing about this is that people buy these sites like crazy. It's a straightforward step-by-step process. I didn't go into too much detail, but if you think about it a bit, it should work easily if you don't have much to work on or do right now. 



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  • A simple way to earn several thousand dollars per month from websites