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Smart launches: how to understand why Facebook bans you | Analysis of the launch scheme


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Today is about bans. Of course, Facebook bans left and right and just like that, but often something really triggers its sensitive moderation. And the task of the arbitrator is to understand what exactly. There are dozens of parameters and dealing with each one is quite gemorno. We talked to the guys from our internal media buying, they briefly told how they howl with bans and how they calculate the fallen sheep in their consumables pack. We hope it will be useful 🙂


Spoiler: everything is so simple and complicated. 


Quickly go over the types of bans, triggers and ways to bypass

… and then directly to the calculation scheme. So, the main bans in FB are: 


  • Advertising ban. The triggers can be a change in IP, a sharp increase in the budget, a violation of FB rules, a sharp account asset. Today it almost always crashes when you try to run ads. To bypass, you need to verify your identity using your docks or the docks from this post.
  • Policy. Triggers are violations of advertising policy and often talk about Creo (photos of doctors, famous personalities, teaser approach, offer packaging), and also the cause can be a domain, non-trusted OP, stop words in the ad text. If the ban is on the RC, then delete the RC and start a new one, excluding/replacing the reasons above. If there is an account, we submit an application to the TP.
  • Risk Payment. Triggers may not be a trust payment, the use of the euro currency of payments (xs why), the purity of expenses (proxy, antique, account, fanpage). How to get there: explained here. In addition, if the ban at the launch of the advertising cabinet is a problem in the expense, if later - trust account.
  • Selfie. The trigger can be a change of IP, a payment order, a suspicious asset, complaints. To get through, we are looking for a similar person, as on ava account, we run it through the TG, change the photo extension for the front camera, upload it for verification.
  • Invalid business models. Misleading advertising (bright / defiant creative, used whitepage / landing page, domain) can be written as reasons. How to pass: delete campaign, change creo, white-page or domain.
  • Systems to bypass security features. FB burned the connection with other accounts. It’s not a fact that this is true, so we calmly serve the appeal, the percentage of unbanned is excellent. But it is also worth paying attention to the trust consumables. 1 account - 1 creo - 1 proxy - 1 white = perfect. 


How to understand which of the following triggers FB when receiving a ban - just discuss below. 


In general, to be aware of what the ban comes for, it would be extremely good to use the MaskFB extension. 




In 99% of cases, bans come for suspicious activity and for the content of advertising. Bans for suspicious activity fly mainly when you try to do too many actions related to advertising: duplicate ad groups and creating a large number of ads from the start (more than three, but ideally do not create more than one at all). 


Bans in FB crash not only because of breaking the rules, but also because of insufficient trust. So use TOP consumables, this will save you from 50% of problems 


As for proxies, the ideal way to close the issue of proxy bans is to raise your own. As we told a couple of months ago in this article, we have been sitting on our proxies for a long time, which we raise through the application from iproxy.online. So, if you want less smut, the best choice (you can also just buy mobile proxies from them).


How to find 100% reason for a ban

What is described above - everything works, but not in 100% of cases, sometimes you still have to delve into the essence of the problem and chop variables:



Obally, there are two options why FB gives a ban: he doesn’t like something in our bundle (creo or link), or this is the quality of the account. The latter is excluded by changing the seller. Remains сreative and link. We work with them in the following way:


  1. We take an account in the same shop that we took initially, fill it with an advertisement with a link to Google, a neutral creo (for example, just a picture of a cat). If everything goes well, then the problem was in the creative or in the link (or both). If it doesn't go away, it's most likely the case. Therefore, you should first test another shop / type of account.
  2. Then we take our working creo and upload it with a link to Google - it is being moderated - it was a link and then we scatter it into small variables. If the policy doesn’t pass and we fly out, we write an appeal (since this reason for the ban often flies for nothing). Through the request it goes well. Excerpt from the FB help - this reason for the ban means that FB burned your connection with another account (change proxy or creo).
  3. Then again we take a picture with a cat and fill it with our link. If the ad passes moderation, it was in creativer. 


Thus, in 90% of cases, the cause is detected very simply. Find a global variable → split it into small variables → test.




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  • Smart launches: how to understand why Facebook bans you | Analysis of the launch scheme