Case for $7,700: Cannabis Oil Belgium


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Who it is for

  • 1. webmasters
  • 2. affiliate

Hello everyone, the Private Profit team is in touch. Today we will be covering our launch on Cannabis Oil BE. We chose this offer specifically to demonstrate that even old offers can work.




  • Offer: Cannabis Oil BE
  • Direction: Prostatitis
  • Bundle: Pre-landing + Landing
  • CPA network:
  • Main source: Facebook
  • Period: 1.02.23-31.03.23
  • GEO: Belgium
  • Spent: ≈ $11,646
  • Revenue: ≈ $19,346
  • Profit: ≈ $7,700
  • ROI: ≈ 66%


Consumables and technical part

  • Antidetect: Octobrowser
  • Proxies: mobile (according to GEO account)
  • Domains:
  • Accounts: $1 low trust generated accounts + high limit trends + farm accounts
  • Cloaking: Keitaro filters
  • Whitepage: local in Keitaro, created with website builder


Promo materials

Promos were taken directly from the affiliate program, put them in a split. Tested only promo with medical approach, as we believe that it is more relevant for Europe. Yes, this may affect the price of a lead, but at the same time, the approval will be higher, since the traffic is relevant.


Promo from the affiliate program for revision


Having loaded all the promo pages, we identified the leader and it was already being finalized. What changes were made to increase CR:


  • We changed the characters, updated all the photos on the promo, including the avatars of the commentators.
  • We added live photos to the comments, and modified the comments themselves.
  • Added the ability for the user to leave a comment.
  • Put the story into a new design.


Creativity and approaches

We tried to select approaches in creatives that were relevant to promo, so as not to break the funnel. Since we had a pre-lander with a medical approach, we used creatives of a similar theme. We tested creatives that put pressure on pain - medical.



The advantage of this approach is a built logical funnel, where at the start we capture targeted traffic, and then, due to the correspondence between creative and promo, a person has fewer objections, which has a positive effect on approval.


Tested with and without text on the creative, no significant difference was found. The CTR of creatives at a distance was around 3%, which is quite good for a medical approach.


Ad campaign settings and setup to launch

Throughout the advertising campaign, different setups were used. For the testing period, these were cheap accounts without farm, then they used high-limit trends that were tied to farm accounts.


During the test phase, the average price was $9-11 per lead. After finding a working bundle, the cost per lead ranged from $6 to $9. If we take the average price for the entire period of the launching, then it amounted to $8-9.


Worked with target 35+ and 40+ / men. Campaigns were promoted according to the opening hours of the Call Center. In the morning and in the evening, the cost of a lead became cheaper, and in the afternoon it rose in price, but the campaigns were not turned off until the night, so as not to lose the audience.


At the February rate, this is about $9-$10 per lead




Summarizing what was written above: you can and should look for new offers, but you should not forget about the old ones - often they can still convert and bring good profit.




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