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Top promising GEOs for Sweepstakes: focusing on Tier-3 countries


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Affiliates love insights! And for good reason, because finding new opportunities is the path to new effective solutions that can bring in more money.

Want to launch Sweepstakes offers? Then you're in the right place. We've prepared a review of GEOs that bring maximum profit to those who enjoy working with Sweepstakes.

We don't believe in keeping you in suspense, so let's get straight to the point.


Africa, Asia, Latin America: where launching SOI Sweepstakes is most profitable

When searching for the ideal Sweepstake offer, you should pay attention to two main points:

#1 Conversion flow — in Sweepstakes, you'll most often encounter these types of conversions: SOI (Single Opt-In), DOI (Double Opt-In), or CC-submit (Credit Card Submit).

SOI offers are perfect for beginners who are still learning but already want to earn a decent profit. The essence is that users are asked to perform the simplest actions — such as entering an email address into a form. The number of responses is usually huge, meaning the conversion rate is quite high.

These offers are also great for experienced arbitrageurs. A campaign with SOI flow is much easier to scale, ensuring a stable profit.

#2 Best GEOs — the second important step is deciding where to launch your Sweepstakes offers. And here we come to the moment you've been waiting for:

→ Africa, Asia, and Latin America are excellent choices for launching Sweepstakes campaigns. Specifically, the best countries to work with Sweepstakes are:

  • Latin America — BR, MX, CL, PE
  • Asia — ID, BD, IN, TH, VN
  • Africa — NG, ZA

Moreover, SOI Sweepstakes offers have tremendous potential in these GEOs.

You have very broad opportunities ahead of you. First, the population in these countries is enormous, totaling about 6 billion people. Second, you won't have many competitors.

Why do Sweepstakes thrive in these GEOs? The reason is likely simple: in that part of the world, Sweepstakes are still seen as something new and exciting. Such landing pages attract attention and spark interest among users.

"This is a wonderful opportunity for earning! The audience hasn't developed what we call 'ad blindness' to these types of offers yet because they haven't seen anything like this before (or they've seen very little of it). When a user encounters a landing page offering a chance to win an iPhone, their level of interest will be high because it's something new," explains our media buying expert, adding:

"The same thing happened with white chocolate when I was a kid. We hadn't heard of it before, and when it started being advertised, everyone wanted to try it. It's that simple."

Note: Zeydoo regularly opens up new GEOs, preparing pre-landers in local languages.


Here's a proposal: try starting with Rewardis

If you want to test the waters in the mentioned GEOs, Rewardis is the most logical choice for you. 

Let us explain why. 

Rewardis offers a set of SOI Sweepstakes offers that are suitable for the GEOs we mentioned earlier. Moreover, the payout rates for it are 3-10 times higher than for offers by default. How high the rates will rise primarily depends on the quality of the traffic.

"We provide our partners with the opportunity to work with offers that demonstrate high effectiveness across various traffic sources, and this option is ideal for anyone looking to avoid fierce competition and achieve significant profits," explains the Zeydoo team.

→ The best traffic sources for SOI Sweepstakes in these GEOs are social PPC traffic, especially TikTok and Facebook, native traffic, Email, SMS, as well as Push and Pop traffic. 

Additionally, our expert shared a recommendation — a new type of traffic that can yield decent profits:

"For SOI Sweepstakes offers, I’d also recommend paying attention to in-app traffic. Based on my knowledge and experience, it really performs well, especially with Rewardis campaigns."

When it comes to social traffic, we recommend considering social media platforms used in the GEOs you plan to include in your Sweepstakes campaigns (for example, WeChat is popular in China, and Telegram has a huge user base in Russia, etc.). This can significantly improve the results of your campaign. Moreover, this approach can be applied not only to social traffic but also to native traffic. 

Here are a couple of Rewardis offers you should consider:

Note: You can find more recommendations and information about the rules on each offer's page on the Zeydoo website. 

Don't waste time! Register with Zeydoo, choose an offer, launch your campaign, and your income growth won't keep you waiting.



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  • Top promising GEOs for Sweepstakes: focusing on Tier-3 countries