Profitable combination: ChatGPT + TikTok = $$$


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Who it is for

  • 1. webmasters
  • 2. affiliates

Now dropshippers and those looking to make money without having a product have only one dream: to make $8k in revenue per day by creating a platform on Shopify (for example), launching traffic to it, and enlisting the help of a robot. Let's now step by step look at how to do this.


P.S. The guide is quite basic, and it can be easily customized even with superficial knowledge of earning money online.


Where to get the goods?

First of all, like any dropshipper in need of money, you go to Chinese wholesalers on AliExpress or Alibaba and find a product with good reviews and a high number of sales. The price shouldn’t be too high because your target audience, which will come from social media, don’t have to think long – either “Yes” or “No”. Choose a simple product, preferably one with an emotional appeal for a WOW effect.



* you can also order it on Amazon Prime at a good price.


So, as always, the product names on AliExpress are terrible. Therefore, you use ChatGPT to generate a new name that describes the product. You create a description for it, spending not 30 minutes, but 3-5 minutes on this task.



You write a request to ChatGPT to create descriptions for future product cards, specifying who it is for.



You write in it like in Google, very simple, because it's not Midjourney that requires a bunch of keywords. Here, you'll be understood at a robo-intuition level. 



Now, when your online store is ready, whether it's a standalone website or through Shopify (figure it out on your own here) or you create a showcase via Instagram if you don't want to sweat it, let's move on to traffic.


TikTok as advertising


You find other people's video creatives, realize that you're not a videomaker, and you don't have references or templates. You go back to ChatGPT and ask it to help you with this (provide ideas), and you know what? It’ll really help you.



As you can see, it’ll write a script for your YouTube video, sell your product, and even train you for a real date with a woman :D (compliments and conversation topics). Here are a few options it suggests for “how to shoot a video with a lamp to sell it”:



Now create an account on TikTok. You need to warm up your profile, watch TikToks about Ali products as an option, and your device should be set to the GEO language you plan to sell the product to.


Next, you need to create content that will help you gather the first 1000 subscribers on your account (don’t artificially boost - this is important). After that, you upload prepared video creatives with different descriptions and links to your store in the profile.


This way, you’ll have trust from the platform, and there won't be a shadow ban. It's better to have a separate smartphone, preferably an iPhone from version 7 to 10, solely for work. Reboot it and test various hypotheses with international traffic.


If you are advanced or just a bit crazy (just kidding), you can use the marketing platform, in other words, TikTok targeting, and show your product to a specific audience or all women under 30.


Here, you need investments and knowledge, which there is a lot of on YouTube about setting up ads and correctly setting daily limits to avoid depleting your balance. This way, you can make even more money. As they say, this is real marketing.


As a result, after 3 days of all the work, the tester, webmaster, super money-maker, and just a good guy, started making the first sales:



After half a month of work and launching paid advertising, both the account with the product and the sales themselves grew significantly, reaching over $8000 in peak daily sales.



Can you do it too? More likely than not. But even if something is holding you back right now, some hesitation and doubt, deal with it first.



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