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What to look for when creating a pre-lander for a nutra offer in the weight loss category


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Just as there are different approaches in promotional materials, webmasters reveal the value of the product in different ways in pre-landers. For example, there are teaser, news, blog, medical, video approaches. In this article, we will figure out which of them work worse and which are better when working with offers for weight loss in most tier-1 countries. 


Important: some approaches are mixed. For example, in a teaser approach, the story of doctors can be presented as news. Let it not bother you. 

P.S. Material prepared by AffJournal partners - ProfitPay affiliate program: direct nutra advertiser in Europe!

Features and common elements of all approaches

The approaches have common elements - we will talk about them now.


Reliance on research. Articles on pre-landers are based on scientific research, whether they are really scientific or just bogus. In the teaser approach, the usual is enough: "Researches have shown that in 99% of cases the drug does not bring unpleasant consequences".


Photos "before / after". Must have for slimming offers. A potential buyer should understand that the remedy has already helped many girls to lose weight.


A small life hack for reviews: women prefer a realistic background. That is, they will have more desire to purchase a product if it is located not just on a white background - but if it is held in their hands, they somehow interact with it.



Reviews/comments. Located at the end of the page. Satisfied users leave comments that reveal the benefits of the product:


  • "cheap for such good quality";
  • "they deliver very quickly - how fast, check with the manager";
  • "the drug does not cause side effects";
  • "completely natural remedy";
  • "managed to lose weight without hilarious diets and workouts until you're blue in the face";
  • "helps not only to lose weight, but also improves well-being in general";
  • "the desired result is achieved quickly - how quickly depends on the specific means."


In some comments, “users” write that they managed to pick up the goods at a discount. If there is a wheel of fortune on the pre-landing page, then you can write: “I won a discount.”


Trustbags. Trustbags increase user confidence and, accordingly, CR. Here's what the so-called. trust logos on landing page:



They exist in different colors and styles. Some are black and white, some are multi-colored. There are some like the picture above. Badges are sometimes used not only in pre-landers, but also in creatives.


Doctors' recommendations. You can collect confirmation from several well-known doctors that the drug is effective, completely natural and in general is a revolution among all known weight loss products.


❗️ When launching to Europe, it is prohibited to use real European doctors. If you want to include recommendations, use fictitious ones. Take a photo of a random doctor, generate a first and last name.


Certificates. Where do without them. Here are examples:



A few more trust elements:

If the pre-lander is submitted as a story on behalf of a celebrity, then the trust adds reviews. They are definitely needed, but they should look harmonious and not too aggressive. They should also be designed in the style of the site under which the page is made.


If the medical approach, then people's reviews are not as important as the comments of reputable doctors on this product. We also advise everyone to add a comebacker, which, when trying to exit the pre-lander, redirects the user to the landing page with the offer. This option works better than any news showcases. 


If we are talking about pictures, then this is the basic number of images in the pre-lander - no less than 5-6 pieces. With the use of "before / after" + photos of doctors, x-rays and other elements for greater immersion in the text. Pictures are not superfluous if they are in the topic, since the picture sells the text more strongly, enhances immersion in the problem.


Blogging approach in pre-landers

What is the essence of pre-landing: the page mimics the blog of an ordinary girl who was looking for a weight loss drug and found it. She tells how long she took the drug, shows the results "before" in different angles, the results "after". Style is friendly. Here with all these "girls" and other female words. It's great if the translator can translate such words.


This may not be a blog of a no-name girl, but of a local TV personality. It can be a page of a celebrity on Facebook, not necessarily a blog on the site. If this social network is actively used in the region, then the FB interface is a plus for the trust.


→ On European GEOs, imitation of FB, Amazon and other well-known resources is prohibited. Complaints are coming for this.



News approach in pre-landers

The whole pre-lander is presented as a news article that scientists have finally invented a drug for weight loss. Or as a stunning report: a celebrity revealed how she managed to lose weight so quickly and without any strain. But she hid it for so long!


How are news illustrations assembled for such a pre-lander:


  1. A frame is taken from a popular news channel. It can be found on YouTube under the heading "GEO + news". For example, Bulgaria Novina.
  2. Open a video that has a lot of views.
  3. Let's take a look at the talking head.
  4. In the running line in Photoshop, we overlay text with sensational news about losing weight.


You can take news frames from other pre-landers, why not. But not the fact that they will not be hackneyed. And if you screen it yourself - 1% that some webmaster opened the same video as you, screened the same frame as you.



Teaser approach in pre-landers

Such a proclam tells the story of a doctor or a genius student who developed an innovative drug. Often this is an interview with the doctor himself. He tells how long he worked on the drug, what components are included in its composition. In a way, it's similar to the news approach.



There is another approach: the doctor can talk about a remedy that has long been used in the United States. It has long been known about in Europe, but the "pharmacy mafia" does not allow the drug to hit the shelves. At the same time, the doctor claims that what is considered a big problem in Europe has long been akin to a common cold in the USA.


→ Do not forget that when uploading to Europe, it is prohibited to use local doctors. Use fictitious.


Medical approach in pre-landers

What is the essence of the approach: in pre-landing, we write the usual informational article about what processes occur in the body when losing weight, why people gain weight. We back it up with scientific evidence. One of the features of such a transit page is a calm tone. If in previous approaches we were flooded with a nightingale, saying “the pharmacy mafia does not allow the drug to enter the market”, then here such phrases are unacceptable.


Users will perceive this approach as something really useful, and not just another aggressive advertising text.


The page can be mimicked under the site of a local clinic, it can be under a popular article in the region.


For this approach, a copywriter will need the ability to write info articles. The main thing is that any arguments are based on research. There is also a selling block on this page, just again, not as flashy and aggressive as in previous approaches.



Why is it so: pages adapted for clinic blogs have fewer triggers for emotional outbursts and more arguments and research. This prelander has expert content, research, the history of this doctor and his discovery, with a description of his method - the method eventually transformed into a form factor that we sell.


And further. On the landings, doctors should be experts, who should subconsciously like women — i.e. our target audience. This will instill confidence in potential customers. These same guys should be on promo materials. Thus, we close the emotional aspect, putting pressure on more significant arguments than approaches with a “television personality”.


How effective are video pre-landers in Nutra

There are usually two components in such transits: the video itself + reviews. From what we saw, the video cannot be scrolled, because supposedly it is live. The video lasts 7 minutes - watch all 7 minutes until the end, wait until they talk about the product in full.



The approach is usually used on Latam. In Europe, we ourselves did not use and did not meet. 


It either simply does not swipe, or a warning pops up like this:



Translation: The video will go off air soon. This is your last chance to watch it to the end.


As the duration of the video, the view count increases. At first, 900 people watch the video, and by the end - almost 1500.



In the last minutes of the video, a link appears that leads directly to the payment page. This approach has proven itself when working with SS-offers. 🙂




What mistakes do webmasters make when creating pre-landers for weight loss?

Pre-landers from affiliate programs do not work.  

This idea is fundamentally wrong. It is not necessary to make your own pre-landers. This idea is harmful for novice webmasters. As a result, you put efforts not on campaign scaling, but on pre-lander tests. If something comes in and gives a ROI of more than 100%, then don't be a fool - fill it all in, hire more hands and upload it. 


You can make 1-2 landings. You will see that pre-landers from affiliate programs are not so bad. It’s more adequate to take them into a split test, draw conclusions, and after identifying the obvious leaders, take a closer look at what kind of pre-land it is, which showed itself best in the test.


Do not think that it is easy and simple. 

There is absolutely no point in doing 1-2 pre-landers, if you do it, then there are 10 pieces, because only 1-2 of them will work. And now we count the costs: a copywriter for 10 texts, translation of 10 texts, layout, if there is no layout designer. And most importantly, in order to test, you need to give a spend for each. Math is simple.


Final word of the editors

Instead of creating your own pre-landers from scratch, it is better to competently adapt other people's pre-landers to fit your introductory ones. For example, in some countries, climate influences the appearance of many problems with age. As a reference, you can take ready-made articles from real clinics, which describe the main causes of problems and their solutions. Then, using AI, you can write some interesting storytelling and combine them into one text for the test. At the testing stage, connect analytics services to study user activity and scrolling. This will allow you to understand at what stage some of the visitors fall off, and you will be able to work on the text and blocks.



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