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How working with comments on Facebook can help increase ROI: secret techniques


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Working on each element of the campaign can increase ROI by a few percentage points. However, if you approach all elements of the combination efficiently and wisely as a whole, you can significantly increase ROI!


Comments on Facebook advertising posts are also part of the combination. Many prefer to ignore the fact that users are writing something, or even hide comments from themselves and others using auto-posting services, in order to save time. And that is too bad!


We'll tell you why it's a waste, and also share secrets on how, by working with comments on Facebook, you can increase ROI by about 15% or even higher. Full speed ahead! 🏎️


How to use comments in your strategy when working with nutra products 

Comments on Facebook can become a secret weapon. With their help, you can increase ROI by 15%-20%, as shown by research conducted by arbitrageurs and teams like the Factory team. Other studies, conducted by blogger Vlad_R, indicate that positive comments can reduce the cost per lead.


If you ignore negative comments, the weapon will turn against you: conversions will decrease. After all, users, reading negative comments from others, will not buy the offer.


Comments are user feedback. It can be both positive and negative. It exists — and you need to know how to work with it. And it's good that it exists: it's worse when it doesn't. Comments show Facebook algorithms that the post is interesting, actively discussed, and the social network gives it reach.


Posts on a Fan Page and setting up chat to stimulate comments 

To receive good comments, you need to start by working on the Fan Page where the offer is presented. There, you can also post warming-up posts. You can use materials such as landing page screenshots, storytelling, and native recommendations for the offer.


Setting up the messenger will help to additionally enhance the results from the Fan Page. You can implement an autoresponder that will provide interested people with information about the offer, instructions on how to order the product, and evidence of the product's safety.


You can also set up responses to frequently asked questions in the messenger so that people address them in the chat. By answering these questions, the chat will further warm up the audience.


The design of the FanPage, content plan, publications, and chat all increase user loyalty and the likelihood that they will start leaving comments. For example, seeing responses in the chat, people will logically think that questions can also be asked in the comments.


Responses to comments and confirming cases 

It’s advisable to regularly review fresh comments under the posts on the Fan Page and respond to them. This way, users and followers can be engaged in a dialogue, persuaded to leave their contacts. Loyalty increases significantly when a person feels personalized attention, receives answers to questions, and interacts in a friendly manner with them.


If a user is interested and willing to leave their phone number, it can be entered on the landing page in the order form. When a call center representative contacts the person, they can further warm up the client and persuade them to make a purchase. This, in turn, will increase ROI.


For example, the Factory team promoted a nutra offer for Mexico (prostatitis) and tested this scheme: setting up a chat, manually responding to comments. The team managed to get 396 additional leads. After approval, they calculated the ROI — it was increased by more than 19%.


Another case was shared by the MakeMoney Team. The guys tested an offer in the Hearing category for Italy and Portugal, and also worked with comments: they wrote positive comments themselves, replied to them, and also to user comments. They managed to reduce the cost per lead by 5-18% and even increase approval rates by 3%.


How to automate comment management 

If an arbitrageur is just starting to work with nutra, testing 1-2 offers on one source, manually managing comments is a manageable task. But when there are dozens of campaigns, offers, and sources, answering comments can take hours and days of valuable time. Therefore, automation is necessary. With the help of services, you can simplify the process of handling all comments and speed up your work. The more customers ready for dialogue, writing comments, the higher the chances of increasing ROI.


Automated services track the appearance of new comments themselves, notify about them, or write prepared responses to questions. They also collect useful data based on analysis. Many services are equipped with artificial intelligence, capable of recognizing written speech and constructing responses correctly. The client will have no doubt that a live person is responding to their question asked in the comments.


Examples of automation tools:    


  • Chat2Desk is a platform equipped with features that allow for quick responses to messages and reacting to requests;
  • Chatplace.io is a solution with artificial intelligence for managing comments on Facebook.



How to deal with negative comments 

Facebook algorithms work on similar principles to algorithms of other social networks: it's important for them that a post receives as many positive reactions as possible. The more comments, likes, and shares, the better for reach and CTR. As known, CTR directly affects the cost per click. If a post has good feedback from users, then CTR increases, resulting in cheaper clicks. This also positively affects the increase in ROI.


Algorithms evaluate ad posts based on metrics like Relevance Score. This metric includes likes, comments, and other user feedback. If comments are negative or users click on "Report", it's a bad sign for promotion on Facebook. For example, if people comment on a post with an offer saying that prices are too high, delivery is slow, or the call center doesn't respond, new users are unlikely to be interested in the offer.


When negativity appears, you can:    


  • Cover it with positive reviews or neutral comments. This can be done using a network of Facebook accounts created with an antidetect browser. It doesn't take much time, but it positively impacts ROI. When people see both positive and negative comments, trust increases. After all, there can be different opinions about the product, and positive ones work in its favor.
  • Be proactive. This means preparing and posting positive comments before any negative ones appear. Experienced webmasters post 10-15 positive comments daily, react to them, and respond on behalf of the Fan Page to strengthen user trust. Responding to their own comments is also part of the strategy.
  • Delete negative comments. If there are only a few, you can remove them manually.
  • Specify stop words in the page settings from which you're promoting. This way, you can automate the process: whenever a user writes a stop word, such as offensive language, their comment won't be published.
  • Use auto-posting services that moderate comments. For example, Dolphin Cloud, FBTOOL, and similar ones. In these services, you can configure the period during which actions are performed with comments, types of actions, and upload stop words.



Working with comments is an important but not the only component of the combination. It's crucial to consider a comprehensive approach in your strategy. However, cases from practicing arbitrageurs show that ignoring comment management is not advisable. It can indeed increase ROI and save marketing budget.



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