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  • Direct Click or Domain Redirect: what is it and how can a webmaster make money on it

Direct Click or Domain Redirect: what is it and how can a webmaster make money on it


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Who it is for

  • 1. affiliate
  • 2. webmasters

Relatively recently, domain traffic has appeared in affiliate marketing, which has become quite popular in tier-1 GEOs.If you know with pops traffic, then it will be very easy to understand the basic principles of domain traffic. Since the word redirect is present in the title, this indicates a redirect. This type of traffic really works on a redirect, but not in its usual format. In this article we will analyze everything related to this interesting and unusual source.

Direct Click traffic - what is it

This is not quite the usual type of traffic, since the user is redirected directly from the domain to the offer. Domain traffic is based on errors - popular typos in a domain name. Let's say there is a nike.com sneaker store, the user can make a typo and enter "l" instead of "i". That is, if you register a parked domain name nlke.com, you can set up a direct redirect to any offer.


It is better to work with offers of a similar site that was used as a donor. In the case above, we may be promoting a third-party sneaker store. So the conversion will be higher, and the client will not be confused. The main advantage of this type of traffic is that the redirect happens instantly. 


The user often does not even understand that he is not on the site he wanted to go to. If everything is set up correctly, it will look as natural as possible.


Another indisputable advantage is that a potential lead is guaranteed to get acquainted with the advertised offer, as he will stare and wait for the original site. The effect of surprise will do its job - the user can already be considered warm. It remains only to bring it step by step to the completion of the target action.

What is a parked domain name

Some webmasters buy domains for resale. When you go to them, you can place information about the sale or development of the site, advertisements or a direct and instant redirect to the offer.


Domain parking is the registration of a domain name for further personal use or resale.


Parked domains can be used by owners to earn money from ads that appear on the page, to increase the value of a domain name on a subsequent sale, and can also be used to redirect visitors to other websites.

How to get a parked domain

In fact, you can buy it from any registrar that provides such services. Parked domains are used for domain traffic:


  • with probable typos in the name of large brands, such as, for example, Apple, Samcung, Micrasoft;

  • with high-frequency phrases from search queries;

  • with popular common site names.


Sometimes there are even parked domains that are designed for a mechanical typo during typing. For example, Aoole - here the user just accidentally pressed other keys on the keyboard.


It would seem that nothing complicated, but there is one caveat. To make a good profit on domain traffic, you need to register a large number of domains and have an algorithm that will analyze visitors and offer them the most relevant offers. In this case, advertising networks come to the rescue, which will do all the routine work for you. It remains only to create and launch a campaign.

How Direct Click traffic works in advertising networks

Let's take a step-by-step look at a simple process of generating traffic using this method. We have the following variables: the user who performs the target action, the advertiser with the offer, the purchased parked domain and the system that analyzes clicks.


  1. The user wants to go to the site of a popular brand, but makes a mistake and goes to a parked domain name. It is owned by a webmaster who bought it to get traffic.

  2. There is an analysis of the main technical data, for example, device, country, operating system, and so on. Based on the information received, an offer is selected and redirected. All these processes occur almost instantly, so that the user does not have time to suspect something is wrong.

  3. Advertiser. Its goal is to warm up with an enticing landing page that describes all the benefits of the product. Nothing changes for him, a regular offer with a fixed rate.

  4. As soon as the user submits a request with a typo in the domain name, all information is sent to the advertising network. An RTB auction is instantly executed, which will match it with a suitable offer.

  5. The advertising network analyzes the bids and technical settings of various advertisers in real time. It selects the most appropriate bid and instantly redirects to the page with the offer so that the lead does not have time to notice the transition to another page.


The parked domain name holder is rewarded when someone views an advertisement. In simple terms, the owner can monetize his domain using the ad network and its algorithms.

Benefits of domain traffic

One of the main advantages of domain traffic is the target audience. A person will be interested in advertising anyway, because he expects to see the original site that he wanted to go to. Plus, interest is fueled by new and unknown content. Besides: 


  • This approach can provide a high CR on domain advertising campaigns, according to statistics, in comparison with other types of traffic. For example, this figure is almost 10 times higher than advertising on pops.

  • Monetization of domain traffic does not depend on the geographic data of the user. Every day, someone makes trivial typos in the names of major brands around the world.

  • When using domain traffic, the cost per click on your ads may be lower than on other types. This can lead to lower overall advertising campaign costs.

  • Since most people use mobile devices to access the web, domain traffic usually has good mobile optimization, which can improve user experience and increase conversions.

Top verticals for domain traffic

Since domain traffic has a lot in common with pops, the verticals on it will also convert similar ones. Any niche that can produce good results without creativity is eligible to be tested: Gambling, Betting, Dating, Sweepstakes, E-commerce.



You can get an already warmed-up audience from domain traffic, and therefore, your conversion rate increases many times over. In addition to everything, the simple launch of an advertising campaign with attractive prices makes this format very promising, which is definitely worth testing.




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