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Why conversions, click-through rates and other indicators are falling | Checklist for working with CPA offers


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When campaigns are launched, one of the most important stages of work begins - optimization and improvement of the bundle. The webmaster collects data on the reaction of users, highlights problem areas in campaigns and seeks to fix them in order to get more customers. In this article, we have highlighted the most common parameters: conversions, click-through rate, approve and ROI. We tell you how to track these indicators, how they can be improved and what to look for in order to earn more.

Why Conversion Rates (CR) may fall

The conversion rate (CR) is the ratio of the number of site visitors to those who completed the target action. Measured in percentage. It is considered so:

Number of conversions\number of visitors * 100%


If CR = 30%, then 30% of all website visitors have converted. Reasons why CR may drop and how to fix it:


  • Long website loading time. An unoptimized site or slow internet in a region can cause users to simply not wait. Website loading speed can be checked in Google PageSpeed Insights.
  • Funnel length. Information content is important for one audience, and simplicity and ease of shopping are important for another. Test several options - this will help you find effective options.
  • Translation quality. Poor quality translation undermines trust and forces to abandon the targeted action.
  • Ease of perception. Make sure your landing pages are easy to read - mark up the text, dilute the content with pictures and videos, take care of a light modern design and navigation.
  • Social proof. Be sure to include images of doctors, testimonials, certificates, and other content that will inspire confidence in the page. Back up words with numbers and don't forget about user reactions - they often influence the purchase decision;
  • Order form. Check if the order form works correctly and is convenient enough. For example, animations will only exacerbate the experience in regions with poor internet, as they need to be downloaded;
  • Call to action. Don't forget to leave calls to action and links to the landing page on re-landers. Often, in pursuit of colorful stories and informative content, you can forget that the viewer needs to be motivated to buy.



What determines the click-through rate of a promotional material (CTR)

CTR is the percentage of clicks on an ad from the total number of views. If the CTR is 5%, then 5% of those who saw it clicked on the ad. Calculated according to the formula:


Number of clicks/number of views * 100%


Reasons why CTR may be low and ways to increase it:


  • Legacy creatives. Periodically, promotional materials lose their relevance and the audience gets used to them. Find ideas for creatives using SPY services, study the experience of other webmasters, consult with a manager - this will help you find relevant ideas. 
  • Mistakes in targeting. Make sure you select the correct audience segments in the correct regions. Also check if you have disabled inefficient regions with low solvency. For example, in Italy - the region of Palermo.
  • Little time for optimization. Don't jump to conclusions, especially if you use auto-optimization algorithms. Sometimes they need up to two weeks to find an audience.
  • Traffic source specifics. You should not make excessive demands on clickability of certain sources. For example, banner ads or push notifications will never bring such clickability as social networks and search engines.
  • Irrelevant creative. Check that the offer on the creative matches the content of the landing page and the requirements of the viewer. For example, if the text on the banner is too small, people with visual impairments will not be able to read it. It is worth considering such minor details, especially if you are promoting offers for an older audience.
  • Translation. As in the case of conversions, the problem may be in poor-quality translation of creatives. 
  • Show time. Analyze click-through statistics at different hours - you can show ads at peak times and not spend your budget on inefficient periods.



Approve: Always ask for an Approve Guarantor!

Approve is a measure of how many leads eventually became customers. Commonly found in nutra and e-commerce. Unlike CR, it shows how many users reached the target action (for example, they took dietary supplements at the post office). If the approval is 50%, then half of the leads paid for the offer.


Number of approved leads/total number of leads * 100%


Why approve may fall and how to raise it:


  • Traffic quality. Poor-quality traffic leads to failures, insolvency, ignoring the operator and getting the lead into trash. If the approval suffers for no apparent reason, the traffic is almost always the problem. To fix this, try bidding up on the Ad Auction or changing the source.
  • High expectations.Often, landing pages and creatives create inflated expectations among viewers. During communication with the operator, a person will find out the details and refuse the transaction. To prevent this from happening, make sure that promotional materials create a realistic idea of the offer and conditions.
  • Ignoring advertiser requirements. A low approval may be due to the fact that the webmaster ignores the requirements of the advertiser - for example, uses prohibited sources or GEOs. 
  • Call center attitude. If operators impose additional sales, react slowly to requests and do not understand the specifics, this will negatively affect the approval. To prevent this from happening, you should make a test request and try to communicate with the operator yourself.
  • Shave. If an affiliate network cuts leads to a webmaster and assigns them to itself, this is immediately reflected in the approval. Split test the offer with another CPA network and read reviews from those you work with. 
  • Local circumstances. Follow the local agenda in the region - delivery problems, armed conflicts or quarantines will also negatively affect the approval.




ROI (Return on Investment Ratio) - how much of the money spent the webmaster returned and how much profit he received. It is measured as a percentage - if the ROI is 30%, this means that the webmaster returned the investment and earned + 30% of the investment. You can calculate ROI using the formula:


(Income - Costs) / Costs) x 100%


So, here's why ROI can be low and what to do about it:


  • Low payouts. Perhaps you should ask for a bump or pick up another offer?
  • Wrong money management. Make sure you keep your costs under control - check how much you spend on tools, supplies, training and support. Beginners often spend their budget in vain, so it’s worth writing down expenses and spending only on what is really necessary. Creative can be developed without paid editors, and you won’t be able to track competitors’ creatives without a SPY service.
  • Too expensive traffic. You may have set too high a traffic bid, or you have chosen an overpriced source for the offer.
  • There are no additional monetization channels. If ROI suffers, you can connect additional monetization, we have already talked about it.
  • Low volumes. To pay off and earn money, you need to be able to purchase traffic in sufficient volumes. Make sure you have enough working capital.
  • Wrong calculations. Calculate the marginal price of the lead so as not to go into the red. Formula: “Offer Payout * Approval = Max Lead Cost”.


Any failure is the result of our mistakes. If you track and correct them in time, you can earn more and increase your chances of success. Read more articles on AffJournal.com and put your new knowledge into practice!



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  • Why conversions, click-through rates and other indicators are falling | Checklist for working with CPA offers