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20+ questions to get creative started. The second material from the rubric #smart launches


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  • 1. webmasters
  • 2. affiliate

ADLEADPRO on the line ๐Ÿ™Œ


The emphasis on volume, rather than quality, has a rather negative effect on creatives. Some buyers prefer to throw in 10-20 pictures and pray that something from it will catch on, instead of working out a few high-quality options that could hit the heart of the Target Audience. We'll talk about this today. We put together a small checklist of questions, the answers to which must be received before starting work with the creative. 



$9500 net profit on one adult bundle in less than 3 months! The guys from Shakes.pro have published a new case of potency from Facebook to Macedonia: what pre-land and creo did they use, why exactly this GEO and, of course, screenshots of the statistics at the link.


The main mistakes in creative development

To begin with, let's go over the main mistakes that beginner creo-makers make. And later we will further analyze some of them on the subject of "how, what and why":


  • Target audience not developed. If you don’t understand who needs to show ads, you won’t be able to make an accurate and interesting creative.
  • No solution to the problem, emotions, Unique selling proposition. Each creative should provide a solution to the problem, focus on the pain of the target audience, close objections or give emotions.
  • Too much text.People react worse to ัreo, where you have to read a lot. Plus, FB is triggered when text takes up more than 20% of the creative.
  • Mismatch between Creo and Target Audience. That is, the design, music and text are not relevant to the audience that will be shown the creative.
  • Subjective assessment of Creo. Creative does not have to be beautiful for an affiliate marketer. Stylish and catchy should be only for the target audience. For other audiences, it may be boring, defiant, uninteresting, or stupid.


Well, and, perhaps, we will add that Creo is not part of a further funnel. That is, if you are uploading to the TG channel, then the user must understand by creation that his further path leads to the TG. The paper airplane icon will come in handy. In other words, if a user clicks on a creative, but a further funnel causes dissociation, then what's the point of looking at a big CTR ๐Ÿ™‚?


Determining the main advantages of the offer (SWOT analysis)

Based on the above, let's first understand how to find the Target Audience. To do this, you first have to carefully look at the offer. At the first stage, you need to run the offer on this list of questions.



At the second stage, in order to abstract as much as possible from personal assessments, we will use the so-called SWOT-analysis. The questions here will be::


  • How does this offer/product compare favorably with others? What are its advantages?
  • What questions might a user have at the thought of performing a targeted action? What can push a user away from an application, deposit, filling out a questionnaire?
  • What can motivate a user to buy? What problem can this offer solve for the user?
  • What problems can you, as an arbitrator, have when launching a bundle with this offer?


The answers to these questions allow you to notice any patterns. The product or service itself has properties that we can already turn into advantages, and then, based on these advantages, show the benefit to the user. Should be something like this:



In other words, an affiliate needs to understand what people want. For example, people don't want a MacBook just because it's a MacBook (even if it looks like it). They want it because it's a brand that shows their status or because it's lightweight, which means it's convenient to take with you on trips. Maybe 100 more different reasons, but none of them will sound: "I just want a MacBook." Because even in this case it will mean that a person just really wants to prove something to someone.


Definition of the target audience of the offer

With the offer, all points were clarified. But as for the Target Audience, it is important to make a remark here that we are not targetologists cooperating with businesses of various sizes. We do not have the opportunity to peep into customer profiles, see CRM and evaluate the current site metrics. In arbitrage, everything is based on hypotheses (maximum more on the manager’s tips) and tests. 


To determine the target audience of the offer, the following questions are suitable: 


  • Under what set of circumstances will the user be interested in the promoted product? For example, if a girl is preparing for graduation, then she will need an evening dress, and if the husband does not trust his wife, then he will quite want to buy a spy camera. 
  • Because of what or because of what qualities the user might want this product? For example, to splurge, a person may well be interested in a replica of an expensive watch. Or if a girl wants to lose weight, then she may well decide to buy a tracksuit or a weight loss.
  • Who can become an expert for the Target Audience, whose opinion will be taken into account when choosing: to buy or not? Everything is simple here: for the elderly - these are doctors, for girls - beauty bloggers, for middle-aged people - celebrities of their generation. Conditionally. 
  • What is the Unique Selling Proposition / What problems does it solve? In other words, what features does the offer/product have and what are the benefits? 


Segmenting the Target Audience: for each segment of the Target Audience, a separate creative.

Immediately, we add the classic Target Audience segmentation to the data pool above:



Each of these points is important. If the audience has a bad attitude towards everything new (for example, adults or an audience from Europe), then there is no need to use hype in creative. 


On the contrary, in creative work for teenagers from the capital, one should not use "old" images, for example, actors of past years. Focus on their idols: Billy Eilish and others, and allow "old" images only in a modern interpretation. Now, for example, minimalistic film photos are popular. The same applies to creative music. It must be relevant to the needs of the audience.


What is the most important point? Definitely motivation. You must understand WHY the client needs what you are promoting. If this is a conditional product, then we appeal with specific facts and benefits, if it is a conditional gamble - with emotions.


From the collected information, for example, we have drawn conclusions and understand that the audience for an offer with shockproof watches can be divided into three conditional segments:



How to pack an offer into a creative?

Now that we have drawn up a portrait of the target audience, decided on the advantages of the offer and figured out what pains to put pressure on, it's time to sculpt creos. Based on the above, in creative we should have:


  • Clear Unique Selling Proposition, offer and deadline. The latter is situational, for nutra, goods and sweeps it is very relevant.
  • At least 1 creative per 1 audience segment. The creative layout should be relevant to each layer of your Target Audience, which you have compiled according to the criteria above. Remember, each segment of the audience will have different benefits: for some, the price comes first, for others, the appearance. There is no Universal Offer or Unique Selling Proposition.
  • Understandable product photo. Slots, a jar of cream, etc. + associations that the product should evoke - a winner jumping with delight, a girl with clear skin, a housewife who bought a miracle mop, etc. If there is no way to show the product, focus on the fact that the person will feel or receive from your offer.
  • Call to action. Claim a bonus of 100500 free spins, apply now and get a free trial.


Justification Who are you? If you offer to buy directly in the creative: write the price, urge you to order something. It doesn't always work! Often the audience has several questions: “Who are you?” “Why are you selling me something on the forehead?” It’s good if the traffic at least leads to where there is an explanation of what kind of product it is, who its creator is, why you need to trust. 


How to increase your chances of making a good creative 

Just a few words about quality. Many people try to come up with powerful motion design based on their digital vision. In fact, you need to make creative not for yourself, but for the target audience. There are a lot of cases where a glossy video with good production gave many times less conversions than a video shot on an old phone. And all because he was simply not relevant, although he was really cool.


A couple of final recommendations:


  • Test at least two formats to understand which one will work best for your Target Audience in your GEO.
  • Test different approaches: direct with product demo, WOW and intriguing scenarios.
  • Test several variants of texts. Examples of headlines 1) Just left home and flew away on a trip (Travel Blog) 2) -20 kg on desserts (Food) 3) I was abandoned by everyone, I did not give up 4)Resigned as director to paint (blog about painting) 5)At school, no one noticed me, now any guy is mine.


And most importantly, it is not the quality of the picture that matters, but the content and retention of attention from the first seconds. 


  • The first slide should catch the audience, there should be a desire to watch to the end. Often the logo is made the first slide, and this is wrong. See how videos from TikTok are saved: first there is a dynamic video and only at the end does the account login appear. 
  • The duration of the first and last slide should be longer than 3 seconds for the first, from 3 seconds for the last.
  • The last slide should contain a call to action and possibly a lead magnet.
  • Main slides should be no longer than 2-2.5 seconds. 
  • Do not speed up slides more than 2 times.


As a result, a suitable Creo is:





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