by Editor
Hello webmasters! In the last guide MakeMoney TEAM buyers talked about how to increase the effectiveness of Facebook launches by moderating comments. Judging by the reactions, the article came to you, so today we are returning with a new portion of goodness.
In the new material, we will touch on the topic of moderation of adult creatives on Facebook. We will tell you how to bypass the algorithms and get an approval for creative with 18+ content.
Features of the uploading on adult in Facebook
Advertising with adult elements on FB is prohibited. But this does not prevent webmasters from uploading to dating, potency, enlargers and other niches designed for an adult audience.
The effectiveness of uploading to adult from Facebook depends on the ability to work with moderation. Beginners should know that there are two levels of moderation in FB: automatic and manual. Creatives is often only approved by neural networks, but if there are suspicions of violations, a live moderator joins the case.
The task of the webmaster is to adapt the creative so that automatic algorithms have no doubts and it passes moderation. In this case, it will be possible to unscrew a little budget for the ad.
Beginners think that uploading adult-creative to the auction is impossible, but this is a myth. To destroy it, just look at the Facebook Ad Library - in a few minutes you can find dozens of frank examples.
The creative above has passed moderation and is spinning off in the auction under the US. Obviously, the webmaster will be able to get clicks and targeted leads from it. There are many such ads in the library, but not all of them can be found by exact keys.
Do not forget that the effectiveness of the run is affected by an integrated approach. Even if you can get a good creative and don’t have enough trust for your advertising profile, microspends and friezes can ruin your plans. Therefore, we recommend that you first of all pay attention to high-quality accounts.
At MakeMoney Shop you can purchase trust profiles and run traffic to any GEO. When buying goods, 99% validity is guaranteed and replacement in case of failure. The manager will not only quickly issue the goods, but also help to quickly solve problems.
5 ways to approve adult creatives
Facebook periodically has bugs that make it possible to work miracles. For example, 2 years ago, affiliates found a way replace creative after approving. There are few examples of this scale, but they do exist.
Hoping for another bug or an accidental adult-creative flight is not worth it. It is better to take matters into your own hands and get the coveted approval with the help of workarounds. Most life hacks lie on the surface, but no one bothers to generate your own schemes.
Creatives with a hard adult like in the example from the previous section periodically fly into the open, but their life span is very limited. But if you whiten the content a little, it will live longer and can pay off a few hundred dollars.
Pixelation. The effect is used to process photos. An artificial mosaic is superimposed on the objects, which allows you to disguise the adult. The technique still works, but the creative may not get approved the first time.
You can apply pixelation to the original photo using any service. For example, Pixelied easily copes with the task. After uploading the image, it remains to choose the level of pixelization. Try to keep a balance so that the information content of the photo is not lost.
Blurring. The blur effect works in a similar way to mosaics. Here, too, it is important to monitor the level of blur so that the creo remains understandable to the audience. BeFunky will help you solve the problem in a few seconds.
Object masking. The approach involves removing exposed body parts and overlaying over neutral objects. For users, the meaning remains unchanged, but the robots do not find anything to complain about.
You can mask the genitals using any editor: Figma, Canva, Photoshop online. Emoticons, black stripes are often added to "sensitive places" or simply cut off.
Associations. The associative life hack works like this: the genitals are replaced with vegetables or measuring instruments. In the example below, the tape measure and zucchini clearly hint at the positive properties of the product.
Effect overlay. On TikTok, videos with masks are often found. For example, you can turn an ordinary photo into an illustration from an anime. Similarly, a frame from a porno turns into a light picture. In library BeFunky there are dozens of different effects that you can test in FB.
Neural networks help increase the likelihood of successful creative moderation. They recognize adult content and can conclude how suitable the picture is for posting on FB.
The following tools are in demand among affiliates:
- Clarifai. A popular service for recognizing the security level of objects in a photo. Figures like the example below indicate a low probability of a successful approval.
- Google Vision. Google's neural network is another important indicator that makes it possible to determine the chances of successful moderation. The service easily recognized the hard adult and made the appropriate conclusions.
- NSFW JS. Few people in the community know about the tool, but it is ideal for testing creo for adult.
If you give processed photos to neural networks, you can confuse them. Facebook algorithms work in a similar way, so there is a chance to bypass them by changing the original photo.
Even a creative with pronounced 18+ content can successfully pass moderation, but everything is situational. Use our tips to improve your chances of a successful upload and increase your ROI.

by Editor
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