How to promote specific categories?


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  • 1. webmasters
  • 2. affiliates

Hello, webmasters!

Some offer categories in nutra are easier to promote than others. On spy services like Adheart, you can always find thousands of creatives from other arbitrageurs who are promoting weight loss and anti-diabetes products.

However, there are directions such as psoriasis, varicose veins, various parasites, and fungal infections - most people avoid them due to the difficulties that arise when working with them. In this guide, we’ve addressed this issue and shared tips on how to properly promote specific offers in nutra.


How to promote offers for varicose veins

Varicose veins are a dangerous condition characterized by the enlargement of veins and impaired blood flow. When promoting offers against this disease, consider the following parameters:

  • GEO - since one of the main reasons for the development of varicose veins is a sedentary lifestyle, attention should be focused primarily on countries with developed economies and a large segment of office workers;
  • Audience - women suffer from varicose veins more often than men - on average, three times more often. People of older age and individuals who are overweight also have a predisposition to developing varicose veins. Putting two and two together, we understand that our main audience is women over 30, overweight individuals, or those leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  • What creatives to use - when working with tier 1 and 2 countries, try not to use shocking commands in advertising messages. If you use pre-landers, pay special attention to downplaying pharmacy solutions and highlighting the benefits of the offer;
  • Peculiarities - varicose veins occur in every fifth person in the world, but the greatest profits can be obtained by working with tier 1 and 2 GEOs because there are many office workers and freelancers there.


How to promote offers for psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic condition that manifests itself in skin rashes. When working with psoriasis offers, pay attention to:

  • GEO - the main cause of psoriasis is low immunity, so we recommend promoting in countries with underdeveloped healthcare and poor sanitation, or in countries where there have been outbreaks of epidemics - there is a high probability that waves of psoriasis will follow any mass illness;
  • Audience - psoriasis can also occur due to stress, so target an audience with average income aged 30 and older. Typically, this includes office workers;
  • Creatives - in the pre-landing page, pay special attention to disease prevention rather than treatment;
  • Peculiarities - these offers are in demand worldwide because psoriasis is often hereditary.


How to promote anti-parasitic products

It’s incorrect to assume that parasitic diseases are only prevalent in poor regions. When promoting anti-parasitic products, consider the following: 

  • GEO - prioritize countries with poor healthcare and sanitation;
  • Audience - people with low to moderate incomes aged 18 to 25;
  • Creatives - use shocking content in teaser ads, and in the pre-landing page, describe the offer properties in detail, don't forget to make the comment section on the website anonymous;
  • Peculiarities - low conversion rates are expected in tier-1 countries and regions with cold climates.


How to promote anti-fungal remedies

Fungal infections are common and occur very often, however, many people simply ignore their treatment. When working with this category of offers, don't forget that:

  • GEO - high conversion can be achieved in tier-1 and tier-2 countries with cold climates;
  • Audience - middle-aged women. From 25 to 50 years old. Men/teenagers/elderly pay less attention to this issue;
  • Creatives - use native advertising format, emphasize the presence of certificates. In tier-2, "before/after" format images will work well;
  • Peculiarities - remember that fungal infection is a seasonal problem, with particular interest arising closer to summer when open-toe footwear is worn.



Not every webmaster works with these offers, which means competition is low. However, promoting remedies for the aforementioned conditions/problems is slightly more challenging because you need strong analytical skills and extensive experience.



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