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  • The editors of AffJournal will be at the MAC'23 Conference in October. Let's meet up!

The editors of AffJournal will be at the MAC'23 Conference in October. Let's meet up!


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Dear AffJournal readers! We have great news for you! On October 3-4, 2023, one of the oldest conferences for affiliates, webmasters and marketers — MAC’23 Conference will be held in Almaty, Kazakhstan.


If you have not heard of MAC before, then here is a brief information about the event:


  • 2500+ participants from all over the world from 50+ countries
  • 80+ stands from the best affiliate programs
  • 20+ top speakers*


*among them Alexander Slobozhenko, Van Oakes, KJ Rocker, Sergey Ovseenko


And most importantly, after 2 days of the conference - the legendary MAC after-party! Like Burning Man, only for webmasters!


Alcohol and buffet for free until the last guest! And you will get the opportunity to chat with affiliates and agree on more profitable offers or find out the most profitable verticals and bundles from the tops in a private conversation over a glass.


Word from the editor

We personally will not be at this event for the first time. Prior to that, we could assess the scope and benefits of this conference in Ukraine, India and Moscow. Therefore, given the existence of such a media resource as AffJournal, we contacted the organizers to grab a small bonus for our readers.


Using the promo code "AFFJOURNAL" you can get yourself a 20% discount on tickets GOLD & VIP (promo code valid until October 2). Fortunately, they are not super expensive anyway, since it is important for the organizers that even a novice webmaster could afford to participate.


Link to the conference website: https://almaty.affiliateconf.com/


Write to media@affjournal.com, if you want to meet in Almaty!




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  • The editors of AffJournal will be at the MAC'23 Conference in October. Let's meet up!