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[Case] 236% ROI on the iGaming offer BingoPlus and Interstitial format


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In arbitrage, there is no single perfect combination of vertical and advertising format. Therefore, when choosing a traffic source, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the list of the most profitable verticals according to the ad network itself. However, only tests and the method of trial and error can help find truly profitable combinations. One such combination turned out to be the iGaming game BingoPlus and the Interstitial ad format. Today, I’ll show and tell you how it was done.


By the way! When choosing an offer, don't hesitate to double-check with support how well similar offers perform in the network. For this purpose, Adsterra has an "Offers Wishlist" section. This list of the most converting offers in the system is updated almost in real time. If you're afraid to take risks, start with these.


Offer overview

  • Product: BingoPlus
  • GEO: PH
  • KPI: App Install
  • Landing Page: direct linking


BingoPlus is a gambling app that features games and sports match predictions. The app is available on Android and has a web version.

For this campaign, I chose Interstitials, a subformat of Social Bar, known for its large size (occupying up to 85% of the screen) and high visibility to the user.


This time, I ran Interstitials upon clicking the link, with the KPI being app installs. I had to filter out traffic from Android versions that the app doesn't support.


Campaign setup

  • Payment type: CPA
  • Country: PH
  • Price: $1.2
  • Device: mobile, tablet
  • OS: Android 6.0 or higher
  • Traffic type: all

[Кейс] 236% ROI на iGaming-оффере BingoPlus и формате Interstitials

I also chose two Interstitial banners created using the built-in builder of creatives.


Monitoring and optimization

The first few days after launching the campaign are usually the most crucial, so I carefully monitored the statistics. I noticed some sources with low traffic, and thanks to timely analysis, we disabled them, optimizing the campaign.



In just one week, I was able to launch and optimize the campaign, cover the campaign costs, and even make a solid profit.

  • CTR = 49% (380 135 views and 189 000 clicks)
  • CR = 0.6% (1130 conversions over 7 days)
  • Expenses: $1412 
  • Gross: $4746 
  • Profit: $3334
  • ROI: 236,12%


This is a great result that I achieved thanks to a well-thought-out approach to launching and optimizing the campaign. It's useful to take the recommendations from this case into account in order to replicate the success.


Recommendations for iGaming campaigns using Interstitials

  • It's important to always pay close attention to the targeting, not only in iGaming campaigns. If you plan to launch on different OSs, be sure to separate your campaigns. For example, this one was specifically created for Android.
  • Pay attention to technical nuances: in this case, the app is only suitable for a specific version of Android (6.0 and above). Be sure to check for any similar hidden restrictions in your offer.
  • Strive to maintain consistency in style between your ad and landing page. Even though the Interstitials format is impossible to miss, for greater user trust, it's worth making the banner and the main site in the same style.
  • Geographical settings are no less important than OS and all other settings. If you're running ads in a specific GEO, consider localizing the campaign.
  • Track results from the first day of launch. This way, you'll be able to optimize costs and achieve greater profits more quickly.



The case results speak for themselves, so to conclude, I'll remind you of the foundation of any successful campaign: smart offer selection, attention to offer requirements and limitations, and timely optimization.

The audience notices good advertising creatives, and the Interstitials format precisely allows for visually appealing banners for any vertical, including bold iGaming.



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  • [Case] 236% ROI on the iGaming offer BingoPlus and Interstitial format