What to consider when launching nutra? Brief manual


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Who it is for

  • 1. webmasters
  • 2. affiliates

There is an opinion that all top arbitrageurs work with nutra. From year to year, you can come across such comments in arbitrage chats. And newcomers who have just entered the field try to start working with this vertical.

In this material, we’ll provide a brief but useful guide for those who want to run nutra in 2024: we’ll talk about the vertical and how to choose the right offer, give some relevant approaches, and talk about the best sources of traffic.


What offers to start with in nutra?

The simplest and most seasonal direction, in my opinion, is weight loss offers. Following them are hypertension, joint problems, parasites, vision problems, etc. The significant challenge with all these offers is frequent bans or rejections due to unrealistic results, and it takes time to come up with new creatives. But many forget about offers for vision, and more than half of our population faces this problem. Offers on this topic are almost never banned and also have high and stable approval rates.


Which GEOs are best suited for beginners in nutra?

Let's divide countries into Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3. I wouldn't recommend jumping into Tier 1 countries such as Hungary, Czech Republic, Romania, etc., due to expensive traffic. The cost per lead can reach up to $10, and if the budget is limited, it's better to stay away from such GEOs because the approval rate is also not stable. As for Tier 2 countries, it's better to invest less, such as in Bulgaria, where traffic is not as expensive. Here you can gain experience and even find something converting for yourself. But Tier 3 countries (mostly Latin America) are not recommended due to relatively low payouts and low approval rates. It's not uncommon to see approval rates below 10%. And the price of traffic hasn’t been dropping for a long time and can be around the prices of Tier 2 countries.


What do you need to launch an offer?

  • Cards: There are many services, so I'll just mention the ones I’m directly familiar with, like Brocard and Combo card.
  • Accounts: These are mainly ready-made setups where auto-profiles are tied to a farm with the approval for advertising activities. If you want to launch a more aggressive creative, use 
  • If you want to launch a more aggressive creative, use Fan Pages which also passed the restrictions on advertising activities. Try to find accounts where up to 10 autoregs are hanging on one farm, no more. The downside of such setups is that if the King gets banned or crashes, you lose access to the auto-profiles you used for advertising. Therefore, some people buy autoregs separately and link them to the King themselves, and in case of anything, redirect or tie them to a new farm.
  • Proxies: Only mobile or residential proxies are recommended (Proxy seller, Ads proxy).


Examples of creatives

In short, here's what should be on the creative: try to avoid teaser approaches, but they work quite well in CIS countries and Tier 3 countries, giving a good CTR, but the approval rate is lower than with product or medical approaches. Mostly use a product approach with a bottle and text about the benefits of the product, or creatives with a doctor (who is also featured on the landing page). The strategy for these creatives is less risky, but the product sell-through rate is better. If creatives with the product are getting banned, blur the bottle. Try to place the text on the creative in full, you can play with fonts (one font may pass moderation, another may be rejected).


Mini memo: what should be in a successful landing page

When it comes to landing pages, they are mostly of 3 types: news, medical, product-oriented. Usually, the highest conversions are shown by articles in the news format or interviews with a doctor or a person who used the supplement. These articles usually contain catchy headlines and sensational elements.


The landing page should definitely include photos of the doctor for greater trust, product images, and customer reviews. These elements significantly enhance trust for users, leading to higher conversion rates.



Tips for choosing regions for targeting

Beginners are not recommended to focus on European countries right away due to high advertising costs. Although the approval rates are higher than in Latin America, they still don’t correspond to what the affiliate program claims.


Don't fully trust your manager when choosing an offer. It's better to also ask for opinions from colleagues in the industry. Managers often don't care whether you earn or not; their main concern is to get leads from you. Because they have about 50 newbies like you every day. They revolve around big teams or solo buyers who provide stable and high volumes.


When it comes to accounts, many newcomers farm them themselves, but it's better to turn to professionals who will sell you a setup for launching at a reasonable price than to spend time and money on your own account farming. This usually takes at least 2-3 weeks in today's reality.



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