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How to run traffic in Uzbekistan: GEO analysis with MakeMoney TEAM


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Who it is for

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  • 2. affiliates

Assalomu alaykum! MakeMoney TEAM continues to develop its traditional GEO overview column for traffic campaigns. This time, we’re looking at a region with very good conversion rates for nutra and gambling — Uzbekistan. Moreover, this overview comes from a native resident of the country, fluent in both Uzbek and Russian.


Uzbekistan is a kind of virgin GEO because the themes and approaches that are already saturated in other CIS countries are still fresh here and are actively generating profit.


The main feature of the country: there are two segments of the audience — Russian-speaking and those who only speak Uzbek. They differ not only in their native languages but also in their mindset, requiring slightly different approaches.


The fundamental difference between them is that Russian-speaking users are much more familiar with Runet and the Western segment of the Internet, and they actively read international news. Therefore, converting them into leads is more challenging, but the approval rate for such an audience is higher.


Introduction to the GEO

Uzbekistan is the second most developed country in Central Asia after Kazakhstan. In recent years, there has been active economic growth, and online shopping has become a common practice, especially in the capital of the republic.


  • Currency: Soʻm (Uzbek soʻm)
  • Domain: .uz
  • Time zone: UTC+5
  • Active internet users: 29.5 million
  • Active social media users: 8.7 million
  • Mobile operating systems: iOS — 10.01%, Android — 89.89% (source)
  • Mobile operators: Beeline, MobiUZ (UMS), Ucell, Perfectum Mobile, Uzmobile
  • Popular payment systems: Click, Payme, Uzum Pay
  • Popular social networks and messengers: Facebook, Instagram, Telegram


Average salary in the country — 4.9 million Uzbek soʻm or $390. The highest salaries are in Tashkent ($660 per month) and Navoi ($520 per month). Therefore, these cities have the most financially capable population.

Statistics for April 2024. Here, $1 is approximately equal to 12,750 soʻm.


The popularity of Facebook is the main reason why so much traffic is directed to Uzbekistan from this source. Moreover, it's not always necessary to use Uzbek accounts — Ukrainian and Kazakh accounts work just as well. You can buy any account from our shop, and it’ll be suitable for Uzbekistan.


Important! TikTok is severely slowed down (effectively blocked) in Uzbekistan. Therefore, obtaining traffic from there won't be possible.


What is being promoted in Uzbekistan?

The first thing that catches the eye when it comes to cases and Uzbekistan is gambling. Moreover, schematic traffic is the most popular. And it's understandable — the mentality of the people is such that everyone wants to quickly make a significant addition to their salary. At the same time, the idea that you can't earn money on gambling hasn’t yet been formed.


Here are popular gambling cases involving Uzbekistan:



Standard promotion scheme for all years: Facebook/Instagram + Android apps. FB and Insta are the most popular social networks in the country, and Android is much more common than iOS.


Another scheme used in schematic traffic is Facebook/Instagram + Telegram channel or bot. Telegram is the most popular and practically the only messenger in Uzbekistan, so traffic is directed to it.


The second most popular category is potency. This category of goods is popular in all countries with a low level of sexual education, including Uzbekistan. Here are popular cases:



Standard scheme: Facebook/Instagram + pre-landing page + sales page.


Creatives and approaches

The desire to "make a fortune" is more inherent to Uzbek-speaking residents, so creatives for casinos are almost always made in Uzbek. They can also be done in Russian, but the Russian-speaking audience of Uzbekistan sees casinos more as a way to relax and pass the time. Therefore, approaches like "earn on roulette" in Russian work worse.


The most effective creatives for gambling: videos showing the process of winning and emotions.


For schematic traffic, you can use the standard approach of how someone earned or teaches earning online. You can stylize everything to resemble a well-known TV program.

A blogger from Uzbekistan teaches various ways of earning money online.


Also, attractive girls work great paired with enticing numbers.

Lucky Aviator: 30 minutes — 1000000 som, 1 hour — 1000000 som, 1 day — 19000000 som.


Similar approaches are used for potency offers as for other countries.

Sexual weakness? How to get rid of it?


Similarly, you can promote other nutra offers — just take creatives for other countries and translate + adapt them for Uzbekistan. Here are some creatives, for example, used in one weight loss case:

Quickly and safely lose weight within 7 days.


If you look at the latest spy output, in April 2024, only potency products and casinos are being promoted for Uzbekistan.

Thus, the most popular arbitrage niches for Uzbekistan are gambling and potency products. You can also try betting, enlargement, and weight loss. All of this is interesting for both Uzbek and Russian-speaking audiences. The main thing in creatives is to use not only beautiful girls and the Uzbek language but also the local currency, as well as refer to local cards and bank names.


In conclusion

The demand for gambling and potency products has been strong in Uzbekistan both 10 years ago and today. Therefore, this GEO is very stable, though there is increasing competition among arbitrageurs. So, the sooner you learn to run campaigns in Uzbekistan, the more you can earn in the future. Considering that the Uzbekistan government plans to legalize bookmaking activities from 2025, 2024 is the perfect time to get in here.



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