by Editor
Teaser traffic brings great income to webmasters who have learned how to work with it. Such ads attract a lot of attention, have practically nothing to do with banner blindness, and verticals that do not require a complex target action convert well and show good traffic quality. Today we are talking about teasers in affiliate marketing. Let's go!
What is a teaser ad
Teaser is advertisement is shown to attract the attention of resource users. But it is worth noting: the entire information is not shown, and an ellipsis is usually put at the end (as a continuation) to encourage a person to click through the ad.
The essence of the work of teaser networks
Often, webmasters do not want to start working with teaser networks, because there is an opinion that this is low-quality bot traffic that is difficult to work with without a certain expertise. In reality, everything is somewhat different. But let's go in order.
Teaser networks are platforms that act as a third party between webmasters and owners of media resources (websites with traffic). Networks buy ad spaces to display partner ads. That is, they make it easier for advertisers to find sites and help increase reach.
Advantages and disadvantages of working with teaser advertising
Key advantages:
- It is quite easy to pass all the checks and get a high volume of traffic. Here you can promote much more goods / services that may not be missed in the usual search engines or social platforms;
- Lack of account locks, it is enough to make 1 profile and conduct all work exclusively from it;
- Ease in creation of the Advertising company and the advertising itself;
- User confidence in native type ads;
- There is no need to negotiate with every advertising platform. The network will automatically start showing your ad on all available niche sites;
- Acceptable cost of purchasing traffic.
- High competition, and this is not surprising. A large amount of good traffic entails the appearance of many webmasters who want to take over it;
- Low ROI;
- Quite extensive targeting: it is difficult to target a specific category of target audience.
Choosing a teaser network
To correctly select a teaser network, you should always focus on one simple rule: matching the product and target audience.
Webmasters look for offers, as is usually the case, in affiliate programs and look for more or less good traffic sources for them in advance. When choosing a teaser network, if you take it as a source, you need to understand what users are there and whether they have a need for the product you are promoting. Or, on the contrary, first pick up a teaser with normal traffic and high volumes, and then find offers that can go to these people.
Popular products and verticals
The target audience in teaser advertising is usually users aged 45 and older. Basically, these are wealthy people who can afford spontaneous purchases on the Internet. The most popular verticals for teaser networks: nutra (for medical products), e-commerce related to the garden and harvest, financial niche (loans, loans, deposits, etc.).
Before you start launching traffic to a specific offer, you should carefully study its target audience, how old it is, what interests it has, on what resources it can be found. For example, news traffic mainly has an older target audience (approximately 45+). Nutra offers are better here.
It is important to take into account seasonality. For example, offers with fertilizers for the land convert well in early March, and by May the situation reverses sharply.
How the teaser format arouses interest among users
In the field of affiliate marketing, 2 key methods are commonly used to create advertising messages, which can be roughly called general and specific. For example, if you are working with a cream that can heal joints. The text can be made both general and more specific:
- General. Let's say: "If you are ill with this, then you should ...". This headline approach is not very effective: yes, it will definitely attract a lot of attention from users, you will get a lot of clicks on the link, but the chance that a person will convert and actually buy the product will be extremely small;
- Concrete. Let's say: "Do your joints hurt? Urgent need…". This title will have a lower number of clicks, but the percentage of purchases will be higher, because the audience is interested in information about a particular issue. Each offer has its own ideal user circle, and the purpose of the teaser ad is to bring it to you.
What else to consider when advertising:
→ Competent structure. As a rule, advertising includes two elements: an image and advertising text (the text can be divided into main and heading). At the very beginning, a person's attention rushes to the photo, and only then he proceeds to reading the text.
→ Picture. There is no specific case for its selection, because promotional materials may not always lend themselves to common sense, and besides, online promotion is changing rapidly. Let's take a look at what you definitely shouldn't use:
- Apply photos, as they say, “from the cover”, for example, people with the whitest teeth or perfect skin. No one is interested in such magazine promotional materials anymore;
- Install something very unusual. The user can follow the link to satisfy their curiosity. You will get high CTR values, but the target actions will remain at zero;
- Choose low quality photos;
- Try to stick as many products as possible on one picture;
- Spin beaten default images.
Additional picture Tips to Consider:
- The photo should look as real as possible, without unnecessary pathos;
- High resolution and brightness are your top priorities;
- Originality is also an equally important point. Where possible, use images in your advertising that have not been used by others before;
- For products with a wow effect, it is acceptable to use photos that cause shock;
- Promo “before / became” show themselves well;
- Demonstration of the problem that the product is able to fix;
- The presence of profitable offers in the photos.
→ What's in the text? An advertising post must intrigue a person, increase his involvement. Only in this case, the user will get acquainted with it and follow the link. Therefore, we do not recommend using long-used and non-working phrases:
“Buy our product and your problem will go away”. Generic expressions are not what you need at all. And such phrases that encourage a purchase, for example - “Faster!”, “Urgent!” - a good option. Your task is to create an effect of intrigue, to understate something, so that the user gets acquainted with all the information already on a one-page site.
In the title, it is important to indicate the most significant parameter of the product, what makes it stand out from the rest. The most important thing is to encourage the user to click on the link. To do this, you can use these tricks:
- motivate to act now;
- operate more with numbers;
- ask something;
- talk about the benefits;
- demonstrate your target audience;
- mention limited time offer.
How to find new ideas?
In order to come up with something new, you will need to study advertising for more or less similar products / services and your competitors. You can get an idea for teaser ads using spy services — platforms for monitoring other people's advertisements, as well as having tools for conducting advertising analytics.
If you want to use a ready-made promo, filter by popularity and make a list with the highest CTR. This procedure will not take much skill and time, but you should have an understanding that someone has already received the maximum benefit from such teasers before you. In addition, in most teaser networks it is forbidden to promote 2 identical images at once.
Another way is to learn how to create teaser ads yourself. You can search for ideas and images by looking at the promoted category: this will allow you to get a lot of useful data, direct you to what in theory can go. Of course, this method is more difficult, it will require more time, but the result is definitely worth it. If you have a specific idea, you can search for an image in a search engine, and you can easily create a creative in Photoshop.
How to start a trial advertising campaign
Initially, when starting teaser ads, it is very important to make a trial Advertising campaign. At later stages, this will allow you to know the performance of the platforms. For example, at the very beginning, for promotion, it is recommended to prepare at least 30 pictures at the same time and start testing them in order to calculate the very suitable teaser. You can also test a specific image with various texts, you will also need about twenty of them.
After you run the tests, focus exclusively on profitable teasers. However, it should be understood that initially everyone who finds it interesting will go through the advertisement. And after some period of time, the teaser will bother users. For this reason, you should always have new advertising posts in stock and test them.
It is important to correctly set up the first advertising campaign:
- Specify the required areas (GEO) and categories of resources on which your product will be promoted.
- Specify demo times and gadgets (Mobile/Desktop). Enjoy tracking services your advertisement.
And one more nuance that you should definitely not forget about is to form black / white sheets. Certain resources on which your advertising posts will be shown will not give you conversions, but the money will “eat” seriously. This situation can occur due to an incorrectly chosen site niche or incorrect settings. And you will add these resources to the blacklists. The whitelists should include those platforms from which you make good profits.
Teaser ads are a great way to promote any product or service. And with correctly set parameters of the Advertising company, profit can be guaranteed. The tips we have provided for you in this article will make it easier for you to create a teaser ad that gets results. And in order to get the coveted conversion, everything in the ad must be perfect, otherwise, even the person who is interested in your product will refuse to purchase it. Learn, try, act

by Editor
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