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Quick search and testing of the bundle on popunder traffic with a profit of $791 and ROI of 60%


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Who it is for

  • 1. webmasters
  • 2. affiliate

Mini-case on traffic testing in the Adsterra advertising network using the Scanero mobile utility. In this case, you’ll learn how the test went, what the ROI was, and how well our traffic converted, because utilities are one of the strongest verticals in Adsterra, where even newbies can quickly gain profit (according to the manager). Let's dig into the details of this case and see how it works in practice.


Main info: 


  • Ad network: Adsterra
  • Offer: #9407 Scanero: QR Code Reader
  • Period: 30.05.23 – 28.06.23
  • Format: Popunder
  • OS: Android
  • Expenses: $1311.20
  • Revenue: $2102.89
  • Profit: $791.70
  • ROI: 60.38%


Speaking of profit: although this campaign was supposed to be just a test, it immediately turned out to be profitable thanks to monthly optimizations in Adsterra.


Offer and expenses ​

Scanero is a utility offer exclusive to this network. The scanner app is very popular among Android users. It's a tool that allows you to easily scan physical documents and convert them into digital files that can be conveniently saved on your phones.


Great lifehack: if you are a newbie, don’t fight for highly competitive niches, look for more effective connections.


GEO and landing pages

The partner decided to use a static pre-landing page that directs users straight to installing the application, which helped speed up the decision-making process and increase the number of conversions. A test was conducted on two different types of landing pages: light and dark.




The partner ended up keeping both landing pages since both showed decent results.


Main GEOs used: BR, ES, VN, SN, MZ, CM, CI, CD, AO, PT, UG.


Launching traffic and scaling​

Right after the traffic was launched, blacklists were created, including the platforms where it was difficult to recoup the costs. Campaign performance has been further improved with blacklists and bid adjustments.


We also tried using Custom bid instead of blacklists, retesting the sources that were previously blacklisted.


Here are the stats for a landing page with a light background:



The stats for a landing page with a dark background:



☝️ Hint! Be sure to include in calculation the conversions that occur later and review your blacklist regularly. In this instance, there were several platforms that later demonstrated excellent results and were excluded from the blacklists.


Screenshot of statistics filtered by GEO:



By date:



The stats in the screenshots may differ slightly from the data in the tracker due to a short-term technical malfunction at the time of their creation. As usual, minor discrepancies in data may occur.


By the way, despite the less than ideal result in BR due to new platforms, this didn’t stop us and we continued working in this region. This issue was later resolved by blacklisting these platforms.


As you can see, ROI remained impressive for a white offer that wasn’t at risk of being blocked. With the ability to scale the campaign by adding GEOs, exclusive offers provide an excellent opportunity for profit.



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  • Quick search and testing of the bundle on popunder traffic with a profit of $791 and ROI of 60%