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  • $11 379 per month on Pinterest with the help of ChatGPT: a case breakdown

$11 379 per month on Pinterest with the help of ChatGPT: a case breakdown


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Who it is for

  • 1. webmasters
  • 2. affiliates

We are increasingly receiving videos from YouTube that talk about significant earnings from the Pinterest platform. The most popular video is a case by a girl who claims to have earned over $11 000 in one month. The video has garnered massive views, so we decided to use it as a basis and analyze it in detail.


In this same article, we’ll break down the actual case, look at similar videos, and discuss whether it's realistically possible to replicate the experiences of the creators of such videos and earn at least 50% of the promised income.


Case from Anastasia Blogger

The young woman explains that she earns on Pinterest by working only 15 minutes a day. She displays her affiliate marketing dashboard, showing the offers she promotes:



If you look closely, you can see white offers that target the English-speaking audience: VPNs, exchanges, marketplaces, software, e-commerce and more. The young woman intentionally chose Pinterest as a traffic source because it attracts a lot of users from the USA, which is the most valuable traffic.


Additionally, the girl presents statistics from her personal dashboard:



And her account on Pinterest itself:



In fact, this is not UBT traffic, but traffic from a blog that already has some trust and an audience. 


And here you can already catch Anastasia in her first deception: she claims that anyone, even a beginner, can replicate this case, but how many beginners do you know with an account of 100 000 active subscribers? 


Right after promising quick earnings, Anastasia says: here is an affiliate program for you, click on the link and promote specifically with this affiliate program. She promises up to 40% of sales, fast payouts, etc. The blogger spends about three minutes trying to convince viewers to register specifically in this affiliate program.


How to use ChatGPT

Next comes a large section on how AI can be used for generating text content. Anastasia demonstrates how to register in ChatGPT and uses the example of the NordVPN offer to explain how to generate text:



You can notice right away that she doesn't show any prompts. The entire blog about ChatGPT is a conversation about how these texts can be used in pins and how you will save your time. 


“The easiest way to generate content is through tables. To do this, ask the AI to list the advantages of NordVPN in one column, and to provide their detailed description in the second column”, says the blogger. 


Anastasia mentions several times that regularity is important on Pinterest: 


“It’s necessary to remember one thing: the key to a flow of customers is consistently posting on Pinterest. If you do it irregularly, the number of views decreases. My advice is to post fresh content 3-5 times a day”.


How to use Canva

The third block is about working with Canva. After all, Pinterest is a social network where visuals matter, not texts. Anastasia shares an affiliate network’s link where promises pin templates and stock photos: 



Next, the girl spends 4 minutes demonstrating how to work in Canva: creating a template for Pinterest, selecting elements, and so on.



It can't be said that the result was bad, but when you watch cases where they teach you how to earn on Pinterest, you don't want to spend time on basic lessons that are available in Canva itself.


At the end of the lesson, Anastasia shares some secret information:


“When you download the files, their names will be in numbers. But I'll give you a piece of advice that was previously only shared in paid Pinterest courses. I always change the file names using primary keywords. In our case, the main keyword will be the phrase “best VPN service”. This will help draw additional attention from Pinterest algorithms to your images. I'm confident that if I hadn't paid attention to this detail, you would’ve simply uploaded the images as they are”.


As for how effective this life hack is, it's unknown, but in the context of the entire case, it seems like an attempt to mention a paid course, as for the advice, it sounds like “Log out of Facebook at midnight to turn a profit”.


In the remaining six minutes, Anastasia explains how to upload images to Pinterest and add text:



A case with a big name and a decent income seems more like a warm up for paid courses, where people unfamiliar with marketing will be deceived into paying for education, and in the end they will be told: “Well, tough luck”.


Are there any real Pinterest cases on YouTube

We wondered whether all the cases for this source are like this or if only Anastasia decided to enter the foreign market and sell her product this way. Let's go to YouTube, enter “pinterest affiliate”, and find hundreds of cases:



In the first video, the structure is the same as Anastasia's: a young man talks about the affiliate network, then presents mythical calculations and teaches users how to add a post on Pinterest. In fact, there isn’t even a real case here.



In the next video, Sara talks about how she earned almost $5 000 in a week and even provides statistics:



Like the previous two videos, the structure is similar: 


  • the girl talks about her income; 
  • shows her affiliate program; 
  • explains how to set up a flow in this affiliate program; 
  • explains how to work with Canva; 
  • shows how to post a pin on the platform; 
  • promises money.


We've watched several more videos, and the structure is the same: no hacks, tips, or the actual work process. Just basic information that might surprise people who are new to the internet.


By the way, another interesting fact: all bloggers suggest working with accounts that already have an audience. They display their own profiles with 100 000 followers and claim that anyone can achieve the same.



Is it possible to earn on Pinterest? Yes, many arbitrageurs drive traffic from this source to various offers. There is a significant amount of valuable audience from the USA and Europe here, and relatively low competition. However, it’s not possible to earn money by replicating cases presented on YouTube for this source. None of them really teach how to work with this platform. It seems more like the advertising for affiliate programs or warm up for paid courses for a Western audience.



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