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Mistakes in creating creatives for gambling and how to avoid them


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Affiliate marketing is extremely dynamic, but there are certain principles in creating creatives that have been developed over years of advertising campaigns. To ensure you don't lose your coveted deposits when working with gambling, we've compiled a list of the most common and critical mistakes in creating creatives for this vertical. Today, let's go over common mistakes in gambling creatives! Enjoy reading!


Incorrect understanding of the target audience (TA)

Depending on the prosperity of the country, determine what emphasis to make in the creative. For Tier-1 countries like the USA, Canada, Australia, and similar ones, casinos are seen as entertainment, relaxation, and excitement. But in Tier-3 countries like India, Kenya, and others, casinos are seen as a way to earn money.


It's also important to pay attention to the specific features of each country. If you're targeting Poland, avoid using characters such as Africans, Arabs, Asians, etc. on your creatives. Instead, use fair-haired Europeans, as Poland doesn't appreciate racial diversity much.


Each country has its own perception of different elements that may appear in your creatives, so study the GEO carefully before creating your creatives.


Lack of uniqueness

Try to find more unique source materials for your creatives. Avoid using the same videos with emotions and footages of beautiful life that have been used in all GEOs for several years.


Users are already accustomed to these videos and automatically scroll past them as soon as they appear on their screens.



Similar source materials, while they may be well-suited for creatives, have lost their relevance. It's worth looking for new ones.


Winning amount

The win on your creative should be attractive enough for people to succumb to the adventurous desire to make a deposit and spin the slots.

If you're running a campaign in Poland, it’d be impractical to show someone winning 3000 zlotys in slots, considering the average salary in Poland is around 7000 PLN.


Exaggerating too much is also not advisable; it's better to set the winning amount at the level of two to three salaries. In our example, this would be 14000/21000 PLN.


Images, icons, illustrations

Whenever possible, use images that are most suitable for the offer and GEO. Let the illustration of the win in your creative be the same as in the promoted slot. This also applies to all other icons/pictures.

It's not difficult to extract these images from the slot itself, so don't be lazy to do so before creating your creatives.



People process information very quickly. In a video creative, there's no need to spin the roulette or display winning numbers for 10 seconds.

This applies to every element of the creative. It's better to allocate time for important information for potential leads – such as the bonus, jackpot, etc.



This point isn't about background music. Sound effects are a crucial aspect. They should complement the animation: when the slot spins, add the sound of spinning; when coins are credited to the balance, add the sound of them falling; when a notification pops up on an iPhone, add its sound.

All these sounds enhance user interest. The slot spin feels adventurous, the sound of coins falling and the cash register ringing signify success, and the iPhone notification sound is associated with success, as the brand is considered premium.


Lack of Call to Action

A user interested in your offer will definitely want to know what to do next and how to start playing in this casino. They may not understand what they should do. To avoid this, it's worth guiding the user in the right direction by adding a message like "Click the button below and download the app".



This is also an important point, although well-known, it’s often overlooked by beginner webmasters. You need to consider every regional characteristic and feature when creating creatives:


  • Currency. Use only local ones.
  • Race. Avoid using Africans in creatives for European countries.
  • Language. Always use the language of the target GEO. Not every internet user in the world is proficient enough in English to understand what your creatives are about.
  • Source materials. Use local media, especially if you're using a news-based approach, preferably with anchors who have appeared in the news in the past 1-2 months.


Each of these points is important for your conversion.



When choosing emotions for the winnings of your characters in creatives, it’s essential to consider the characteristics of the region where your target audience lives. People from northern countries are more restrained, and the emotions of southerners, for example, Italians, may not be entirely understood by them and sometimes even irritating.


The emotion should be understandable to the user. Therefore, the simple conclusion is to try to use locally relevant source materials as much as possible.

Standard clips of Twitch streamers and similar platforms aren't very suitable because it's difficult to find a streamer for every GEO.


We recommend trying to search for reactions to university admissions on YouTube. For example, if you go back to Poland and search in their language for "Reaction to university admission", you can find interesting and vivid compilations, and if you dig deeper, you can find excellent source materials.




By trying to avoid at least the mistakes listed in this article when creating creatives, you’ll significantly improve their quality. Don't forget to constantly build up experience, check out spy-services, monitor TG channels of other creative specialists, and gradually refine your own skills in this routine but very important business for profit.



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