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Facebook gambling case: 69% ROI and 1347 deposits on Kazakhstan


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Who it is for

  • 1. webmasters
  • 2. affiliate

The LGaming ecosystem team, together with the Bezlikiy team, prepared a case in which we will describe the process of attracting traffic to the BetAndreas offerer via Facebook applications on KZ. We will prove that choosing the right offer allows you to work on such a competitive GEO as Kazakhstan, where in this case it was possible to collect almost 1.5 thousand deposits, and the ROI was 69%.


Short info:

  • Vertical: gambling (slots)
  • Offer: BetAndreas
  • GEO: Kazakhstan
  • Affiliate program: LGaming
  • Source: Facebook + Android Apps
  • Number of deposits: 1347
  • ROI: 69%
  • Campaign period: October-December 2022


Advertising campaign launch results


In affiliate marketing, there are squeezed out GEOs that do not bring profit, which is true. With this case, together with the BL Team, we want to dispel the myth and show that choosing the right product and offer can work even on the most competitive GEOs. Below we take a closer look at the campaign launch strategy, what creatives were used and the final results.


GEO selection


Kazakhstan was not chosen by chance, this GEO stands out very sharply against the background of the CIS, besides, we add here the understanding of the Russian language by the audience, a similar mentality and quite a strong passion among the local population, who constantly play, and some are in search of big money and winnings.


Offer selection

The Bezlikiy Team has been working with LGaming since the launch of the project, at the same time the BetAndreas product was launched, and Kazakhstan was among the first GEOs. It was decided to work with a fresh product, since it is an empty player base, which means a higher conversion rate compared to other offers, no cuts for multi-accounts, and, in general, a more favorable position of the product in the competitive GEO.


Traffic source

We purposefully work with Facebook with the entire BL Team, so the choice of source here was chosen consciously. 


Strategy for driving traffic to apps

More than 15 creatives were tested, 5 of which formed a bundle. We used different targets, all for men aged 23+. Among the interests were used gambling and a separate audience without interests for a wide.


Creatives: which gave the best result

If we take into account the launch on FB, then among the creatives, emotions and gambles are the best, we used them in this case. Also creatives with girls were converted quite well. Below are some examples of the creatives that were used.


As for the news approach, they are not used within the Bezlikiy team, since the quality of leads from them is not very good.

Creative example №1


Creative example №2


  • Unique - 20637
  • Conversions – 9930
  • Deposits - 1347
  • Volume – 65730 USD


Thanks to the empty player base at BetAndreas, the ROI was 69%, and on the volume the inst2dep envelope was 15 to 1. The final tip is one - choose fresh products if you go to the squeezed GEO to get good results.



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  • Facebook gambling case: 69% ROI and 1347 deposits on Kazakhstan