103% ROI on gambling in Bangladesh with push notifications


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Who it is for

  • 1. webmasters
  • 2. affiliate

I have been in the CPA industry for a very short time, since last October. It was then that I started pouring dating verticals (adult and mainstream) into offers. It wasn't easy to get started because I thought spending $100 on ads would lead to $500 in revenue. 


When I started promoting ads in ad grids, I realized that everything was not at all what I had imagined. I worked mainly with in-page push and web push advertising. Gained experience, and every day brought me a higher ROI. I have worked with geos, tracking competition in Tier 1 countries in particular: Spain, Germany and France. And two months later he began to receive real income. But there was one thing about dating that didn’t suit me: the rates were too low, which means there were fewer opportunities to earn money. So I wanted to try something new. So I decided to test the gambling vertical (online casino).


General information:

  • Geo: Bangladesh
  • Network: Push.House
  • Offer: Glory Casino
  • Flow: first deposit
  • CPA network: Yellana
  • CPA: $22
  • Period: January-February 2023
  • Deposits: 180
  • Spend: $1958
  • Revenue: $3991
  • Profit: $2033 


My journey into the gambling vertical began from the moment I was invited to beta test the new Yellana CPA network. I was probably one of the first beta testers of this platform with ID number 22. I quickly found a common language with the wonderful affiliate manager Nikita, and started pouring into the Glory Casino casino offer in Bangladesh geo. It wasn't easy. I thought that creating good creatives and writing text in Bengali with Google Translate would be enough. I started with the simplest options, for example, "You won", "Try a new casino" and "You will receive a bonus". I partnered with several ad networks, but unfortunately the results were almost zero.


Next, I’ll tell you about my successful promotion experience with a positive ROI of 103% 👇🏼


Campaign optimization

I decided to test traffic on an ad network Push.House. Affiliate manager Nikita helped start optimization with city targeting.


1. Targeting by cities: Dhaka, Rajshahi, Chittagong.



Made a choice in favor of these cities, as they are considered the most developed and wealthy in Bangladesh.


2. Selecting the version of the Android operating system.

At first I thought that the latest versions of Android would convert the best, however, this was a mistake. After testing all versions of Android and found out that version 8.1 converts perfectly into deposits, but version 13 is the most inefficient in this regard.



This was a lesson to me, because I thought that Android 8.1 was practically not used. But no, old versions of Android are still popular in Bangladesh.



I've optimized my campaigns by targeting older versions of Android.



When creating creatives, I put myself in the shoes of the player. Therefore, when creating creatives, I try to put pressure on his pains. Consider this important point, since it is he who can affect the size of the deposit.



This is what my creations looked like. Headline "Today luck smiled at you💰!». I chose the currency of Bangladesh as the main image (it works better than dollars). Standard tricks in the form of roulettes also convert perfectly and immediately let the user know that he is dealing with a casino. 


This ad format shows a high conversion rate.




I am pleased with the results of the promotion. Sometimes there are no deposits in the campaign for the whole day, and this can be alarming. But it is obvious that Glory Casino is working on retensioning players. Many registered users made deposits even more than 1 month after registration.


The average conversion rate from push notifications was 1:90, which is a very good result.


This is what my income from advertising campaigns looks like at the moment (tracking the stat using the Keitaro tracker).



As a result, I spent $1958 on advertising, and my income was $3991.




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