A complete guide on choosing a domain


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Who it is for

  • 1. webmasters
  • 2. affiliates

The right choice of a domain is one of the components of the combination that positively influences not only the success of the campaign but also the profit. With a well-chosen trusted domain, accounts and campaigns can last longer, leading to increased revenue for the webmaster. We’ll share all the secrets of selecting the right domain, explore methods of verification, and provide valuable hacks from experienced webmasters. Let's roll!


Why a good domain is important 

The domain significantly influences how trustworthy a landing page or website will be. Advertising platforms and search engines track activity on all domains, maintaining internal databases for each domain name and its characteristics.


Example: A webmaster bought a domain that was previously used for gray or black-hat activities, such as selling counterfeit goods or fraudulent financial schemes. The webmaster may face difficulties in generating traffic, even if he intends to run a legitimate campaign. Ad networks don’t trust this domain; it’s flagged as suspicious and unreliable.


Facebook also flags undesirable domains and places them on its internal blacklist. A domain is considered untrustworthy for Facebook not only if it hosted a site with illegal goods but also if its owner has repeatedly violated the platform's rules. Attempting to launch from such a domain may lead to Facebook rejecting the campaign.


And vice versa – if a high-quality white site was hosted on the domain, such a domain will be very trustworthy. These domain names are typically purchased for SEO purposes or working with white offers.


Thus, choosing a good domain is crucial as it can help avoid various bans, thereby increasing the account's lifespan and maximizing profits.


The types of domains

There are two main types: 


  • Domains registered from scratch. Pros include no existing history, which means no bad history either. High trust from advertising networks. New registrations are also cost-effective. However, the downside is that new domains may lag behind those with a positive history and established backlink profile.
  • Drops. These are domains that previously belonged to someone, and the owner abandoned them for some reason. For example, they didn't renew the lease for the domain name. Anything could’ve been on a dropped domain, and it's always important to remember that dozens of people could’ve owned the drop and done various things there. Therefore, it's essential to carefully check dropped domains. Pros include the potential for high trust if you find one with a good history. The downside is the high cost.


New domains are well-suited for quick campaigns, test launches, hypothesis testing, and gray offers. Good drops with a positive history are suitable for large-scale white campaigns and promoting a resource for SEO traffic.


When choosing a domain for a landing page, it's important to consider its previous content. Ideally, the theme should align with the offer's theme. For instance, if the offer is about weight loss, the domain should’ve had a site related to health, fitness, and figure. If it used to be a site about construction materials, it wouldn't be suitable for a nutra offer.


How to check a domain

To choose a suitable domain name, carefully consider keywords that can be included in the domain name. Optimal root zones are .com, .net, or more thematic ones.


Then, using hosting, select several domains based on the desired keywords. Drops can also be found on Expireddomains and similar resources. Many drop stores provide suitable domain names in sections like Deleted or Marketplace. There are also filters based on zones and activity periods.


Expireddomains service 


When the domains are chosen, it's time to start checking them:


  • Check them in Whois. This service will show whether someone used this domain name before. A large number of owners should be a cause for concern – it's quite possible that these owners posted information on the domain unrelated to nutra offers or may have committed violations.


Whois service 


  • Check the history in the Internet Archive. The archive is a resource called the Wayback Machine, which collects information about all websites that have ever been published on the Internet. There you can see what and when was posted on this domain before. For a campaign to launch successfully and without bans using a domain, this domain shouldn’t have been a white page or landing page before, and there shouldn’t have been any offer names associated with it.


Wayback Machine service 


  • Check the trust, backlink profile, and other metrics. This is necessary in cases where the domain is chosen for SEO purposes. To check this information, you can use XTool.


XTool service 


  • Check trust using an application or plugin. If the domain is chosen for the purpose of a high-trust landing page, you can check the trust using a specialized plugin, such as Web of Trust. Anything above three points is good. This plugin is convenient because you can check domains in bulk directly in your browser.


  • Check for bans on Facebook. For this you’ll need the tool called FB Tools. There you need to go to the Sharing Debugger section and enter the domain name. Facebook will show whether the domain has ever been blocked – in this case, an error message will appear.



Choosing the right domain impacts trust, the account's lifespan, and consequently, how much money can be earned from that account. We recommend checking domains using the tools we've mentioned — let your campaigns be stable and profitable! ðŸ¥°



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