How to refine preendings from affiliate program and SPY?



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How to refine preendings from affiliate program and SPY?

Nowadays, a bundle where the preland already contains an order form converts well

Let's take prelanding from SPY with medical approach and do the following: 

1. Make 3 headlines. With ChatCPT we throw in variants, then filter and finalize them ourselves. 

2. Change photos. We get live pictures of doctors from social networks. This is our approach, it seems right to us. The goal: to get unused photos. 

3. Text. We keep the amount of text to about 5K characters. Less than that - you lose trust, more - people are too lazy to read. In the text emphasize the composition. For example, if a person has a problem with the joints, he already knows that the conditional omega-3 is useful for joints, and if the landing will be indicated that the supplement has again conditional omega-3 extract, it will further motivate him to make a targeted action. 

4. Gamification. Discount form, counter, tape measure, doors - uniqueize the design and put it in a split, see what works best. 

5. Reviews. Always, ALWAYS give testimonials key attention. MORE live photos of jars-slides, more reports from customers. The principle is the same as on marketplaces. Adapt the names of commentators to GEO, photos should not be of people from the CIS, but of those who correspond to the ethnos of GEO.

6. Add a kambaker, throw traffic to the storefront. There's nothing to describe, it's a common way of domonetizing traffic.