I think many people have heard by now that OpenAI has launched the GPT Store
Date written:31/01/2024
I think many people have heard by now that OpenAI has launched the GPT Store
"The GPT Store is a marketplace where users can find and access various GPTs - modified versions of ChatGPT designed for specific purposes."
For traffic people, this means one thing. Before our eyes, a new, not at all utilized and by all parameters top traffic source is being born.
The fact that neural networks are growing at such a pace that many social networks are nervously smoking in the background speaks volumes.
So far, only a subscription model for monetization is planned, but something tells me that there will be various free versions of the app with built-in advertising banners.
To summarize: if you don't want to miss the opportunity and be among the first to work with this traffic source, start tracking its development and understand all the intricacies now.